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My dad has gone upstairs after an hour or two. We had only drank a bit because we didn't want to spend all of tomorrow hungover.

"Right, come on then. As much as I'd love to spend tomorrow lying in bed with you I'd rather do it without a pounding headache."

"We could just sleep here. It's comfortable." It wasn't. The springs had broke and the only reason we still have it is because the new sofa was being delivered.

"You and I both know that's a lie. Come on." I sigh in defeat as I'm pulled from my seat and lifted over Simon's shoulder.

"If you drop me I will kill you."

"I won't I promise." As we got upstairs I saw Simon smirk. I knew what was about to happen, as soon as my door was open he was going to throw me onto the bed. He's done it multiple times before when he has stayed over.

As expected I was thrown onto the bed. But, as I fell I pulled Simon down with me. He landed on top of me, our positioning mirroring the events of earlier this morning.

"This feels familiar." Simon laughs before rolling over so I'm straddling his lap.

"It's missing something though." I lean down and kiss Simon. He kisses back straight away and his hands move to my waist.

As we separate, Simon begins to shake his head, "I think it's still missing something."

"Oh really, like what?" Simons grin returns to his face before he reaches up and kisses me once again.


Meant To Be // MinizerkWhere stories live. Discover now