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Josh's POV

It's the day before the wedding, tomorrow is the day I have been waiting for, for so long.

There were warnings from every one we knew who had been married that there would be nerves or doubts beforehand. But there isn't any.

I love Simon with my whole heart and I believe that with a relationship as strong as ours we could last forever.

I was staying at my dad's tonight and Simon was at his mom's, my own mom was in the spare bedroom here. Dad let her stay so she didn't have to travel so far and didn't have to pay for a hotel.

It was nice to be in the same building as both my parents without the screaming. There's just one thing missing.


I miss him so much, I know he disapproved of my sexuality but the homophobia began because of his friends and who he hung around with, meaning Simon clearly found the wrong group of people to befriend.

I wouldn't change anything from the past. Not only has it made me a stronger person but it's made my relationship with Simon grow even more. And that, right now, is all that matters.


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