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I practically dive across my bedroom to get my diary, whatever happens, Simon can not read what's written on the pages.

As I reach for the book I lose balance and end up falling on top of Simon. We both started laughing as if I wasn't lying on top of him.

As the laughter died down I looked up and my eyes met Simons. Usually, if our eyes met we'd act like it was nothing and continue with our conversation or whatever else was happening, but this time, this time was different.

Third Person

Without hesitation, they both slowly moved in. Their lips finally united together, Josh's plump, velvety lips compelling against Simon's slimmer, warm ones, dancing around and soon bonding together. Epiphany and elation percolated into their veins and soon the entire system as Simon continued to press his lips more impenetrably and rougher onto Josh's lips. The blondes insistent mouth was parting Josh's trembling lips, sending wild tremors along Josh's nerves, inflicting sensations he had never known he was capable of feeling. Then, Josh kissed Simon back, the kiss getting deeper, deeper than all the galaxies in the universe. Josh's vanilla lips imprinting themselves on Simon's like a footprint in the snow, forging a sense of exoticism and roguery.

No one has ever kissed Josh like this. Nobody had ever kissed him. He'd always wondered what stories meant by melting in a kiss, now he fully understood, dissolving into Simon's lips.

submissivezerk it has finally began

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