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"I have a question," Simon starts talking to me again as Nathan leaves the room. I look up from my book and gestured for him to continue. "Why romance novels?"
"Hope I guess, my whole life I've seen relationships go from good to bad. I read them to reassure myself that there are good relationships out there and that not everyone falls hopelessly in love to have their heart broke."

"Wow, I never even thought that could be the reason." He seems really shocked to hear that come from a 9-year-old. "Tell me about you, what do you like doing for fun?"
"I like playing football, and playing PacMan on my GameBoy." I sit up and cross my legs as I listen to him talk.

"There has got to be more things that you like to do. What do you when you're not playing football or PacMan?"
"I usually sit on my roof and just lie there to avoid the world. If I really want to get away I go to my favourite spot in the woods around the corner."
"So you like to have time to yourself as well as time with your friends, that's interesting. You're really lucky that you have a place to go to be calm and refresh whenever you need to." Simons life seemed interesting, he was definitely hiding things and I was going to find out what that was.
"I suppose it is really useful. If you want to I could help you find a place to relax."

"Thank you, I already prefer you to Nathan's other friends." It was true, I was scared, to begin with. I thought Simon would be like the rest of them.
"And why's that?" He raises his eyebrow at my comment.
"Because you don't judge me and you seem genuinely interested in my life, the others have never spoke to me they just laugh at me because I like to read and don't like the usual things."
"Just because somebody likes different things doesn't mean they should be judged, that is what makes them unique and a better person." That was cute. "Nathan said he is going on a school trip next week so on Monday maybe we could go on an adventure and find you a calm spot."

"That would be amazing, thank you, Simon." He is honestly my favourite person on earth and I've only known him a day.


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