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I stand up and look around, I'm in my bedroom at mom's house but something isn't right. Over on the other side of the room was Nathan's bed.

With Nathan's dead body on top.

"This was all your fault!" I turn around to see my mom and Jason stood in the doorway but they weren't alone. Behind them were Simon and my dad. They were all blaming me.

"If you weren't gay then Nathan would still be alive." I started to struggle for breath and the room was spinning, the only thing I could focus on was their voices.

"It's your fault."

"You killed Nathan."


"Josh!" I snapped my head up and looked at Simon. His face was different to the others, their glares were held on me whilst Simons held eye contact, a small smile on his face. "Wake up, you're dreaming."

I shot up, my body covered in sweat and my breathing irregular.

"Are you alright?" Simon was sat up, his back against the headboard. He held his arms out to hug me.

"Nightmare." I moved over to Simon and sat on his lap, his arms wrapping around my body tightly.

"You don't have to talk about it right now if you don't want too. Just stay here and try to sleep." I rested my head on Simons chest before falling asleep.

should I do another time-skip?

Meant To Be // MinizerkWhere stories live. Discover now