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As I was regaining consciousness I heard Simon talking to somebody.

"He's fine," I couldn't hear everything Simon said to whoever was on the other line, "emotional stress," more mumbling "trauma." Simon went quiet which I'm guessing meant he was listening to the other person.

"Si," I whispered out, my throat still in pain from being strangled. "Simon."

Simon turned towards me and sat back on the side of the bed when he saw me awake. "How are you feeling?"

"Not good at all. My head feels like it's been hit repeatedly by a bus and it feels like there's shards of glass in my throat." I look around to work out where we are. It looks like Simons. "Where are we?"

"My house. Don't worry about my parents though. They're becoming more understanding, my mom especially." I smiled at what Simon said, I know all he's wanted since coming out to his parents was a strong relationship. "Now stop talking. You'll make your throat worse."

"There's only one way to make my throat worse." I smirked at Simon as I "accidentally" brushed my hand against his dick.

"You bitch. Now actually stop taking before you lose your voice." Simon walked off into his kitchen, probably to get a drink or something.

As Simon walked back into the room I noticed he was carrying a weird combination of ingredients. "What the hell are you doing with sugar, butter and vinegar?"

"Trust me on this, it sounds disgusting but it helps with sore throats." (A/N it actually does help)

"You may be my boyfriend and all but I swear to god if you're lying about this you're dead."

"Oh shut up." He laughed before handing me a spoon with a combination of the three on. "Tell me what you think."

It didn't actually taste too bad but I couldn't let him know that. "It tastes just like it sounds. Disgusting." He laughed before kissing my forehead and walking off with the spoon.

may have forgot to write extra chapters before I had writers block 😬

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