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"Hannah! We have a date!" Within seconds Hannah was at the bottom of the stairs, a calendar and marker in her hands.

"When? When? When?" She started jumping up and down in excitement.

"5th September."

"Between your birthdays." She breathed out before opening up her calendar, marking the date. "That means there is seven months to plan everything. Luckily for you two, my birth giver planned weddings so I have some kind of insight to wedding planning."

"Why did we adopt such an energetic child again?"

"No idea, but I blame you." Technically it is was my fault so I nodded my head and took the blame.

"Alright boomers, let's go plan a wedding."

"We're about ten years older than you." We followed behind Hannah into the living room.

"Exactly. Thats what makes you boomers." She bounces down onto the beanbag as I'm practically dragged to over to the loveseat by Simon. "The first thing is the guests. I'll work on that and whilst you two decide a budget and a venue."

"You get the easy job. This isn't fair." Sometimes it's hard to decide who has the younger mental age, Simon or Hannah.

"I'll tell you what, you make a list as well and then there's less chance of forgetting people." Simon nodded in approval before taking his phone out and starting to make a list on his phone. "Can I go to Tobi's? He's good with remembering names and I want some Haribos."

"Sure, let us know when you're there though. And steal enough of his Haribos for us aswell."


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