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"Josh! I'm home." My dad had just walked into the house.

"We're in here," I call from the lounge. I hear him walk through the house into the room, as he notices me leaning on Simon he gives me a look to silently ask if I had told Simon. "I told him don't worry."

"Ok good. I wasn't just how long I'd have to keep it a secret for both of you." He sighed in relief.

"Wait, for both of us? What do you mean?"

"Simon told me he liked you a long time ago. It was just after Nathan had been arrested." Of course he did. "Are you official yet, or do we have to wait to celebrate?"

"It's official so we can celebrate." I smiled. Knowing how happy my dad was made me even happier than I thought possible.

"If you stay over Simon I could buy some alcohol, as long as you don't get too drunk."

"It's your house so it's up to you whether I stay or not. My parents haven't cared about my whereabouts for 5 years." My heart dropped for him, although he still lives there he knows that his parents don't agree with him being gay.

"Alcohol it is then. One last thing before we get drunk though, the only rule I have for the relationship is no hearts will be broken. Do whatever you want just keep each other happy, you both deserve it."

"Anything?" Simon smirked at him.

"Yes Simon, anything. Just warn me so I can get some earbuds."


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