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"Hey mom, I'm here!" I call through the house.

"I'm upstairs." She shouted back. Leaving my bag by the door, I made my way up the stairs to find my mom surrounded by a pile of photo albums and notebooks. "I found some of your old books and I thought you might want them."

I picked up a pile of notebooks and flicked through the pages, finding short stories I wrote. Many based on my own experiences.

"You can take them back to yours if you want and we can go somewhere for lunch."

"Is Miracles still open? If so can we go there?" Whenever we went out as a family it was always to Miracles. The food there was amazing and I always looked forward to going out for dinner because we never went anywhere but Miracles.

"It's still open. Give me ten minutes to get ready and we'll go."

"I'll wait downstairs." When I got to the bottom of the stairs I put my notebooks into my bag and took Pride and Prejudice out. Because of the fans on the train I didn't manage to read a lot.

Ten minutes later, Mom came down the stairs with her coat on and her shoes in her hand. I felt like a little kid again, a book in my hand whilst waiting for Mom to be ready to go to Miracles.

In some ways we were a family with a strong relationship but in other ways, not so strong.

"It's nice to be going out the house again. I haven't been out much since the incident with Jason." After being arrested for manslaughter, Jason's mental health began to deteriorate and unfortunately resulted in suicide. It was a shame because, obviously nobody should have to suffer so badly that they take their own life, but Jason was also a good person. He treated everyone how they should have been treated and since Mom and Dad split up, he has been the best boyfriend she's had.

"You can always message me and ask me to go for a meal or go to the cinema. I'm sure Simon would offer to go somewhere with you too. He loves you as much as I do."

"How is Simon? And your relationship?"

"He's doing well, the other day was our ten year anniversary so I guess were strengthening the relationship day by day."

"How about the other boys? How are they?"

"At the moment, we're all really motivated so we're making as much content as we can whilst it lasts. At least then we'll be able to have a break or go on holiday because of all the pre-recorded videos." I loved talking about YouTube and my Mom always asked about it, even though she had no idea how it works she still asks how everything is.

have an extra chapter because why not

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