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I slowly walked up the steps to the house. What was about to happen could change my life. I had decided that I wasn't leaving the house until I had found out what their opinion of homosexuality was.

"Josh! Hello honey, how've you been?" Just as I was about to knock, the door opened revealing my mom.

"Hey, I'm alright thanks. I have a quick question before anything happens though." I may as well get it over and done with. At least then,  if something happens I can just leave.

"Go ahead and ask. I'll give you my honest answer." But it might not be the right answer.

"What's your opinions on homosexuality?" I blurted out before I could change my mind.

"I don't agree with it but you can't help who you fall in love with." I mentally sigh in relief. Although she isn't the biggest fan she'll still support me. "Why do you ask anyway?"

"Because I'm gay." As she stared at me in shock millions of thoughts an through my head. Did she accept me? What was going to happen next?

"Josh, I think you're really brave for telling your mother." Jason, Mom's boyfriend had walked into the room just after I have announced my sexuality. "Just be careful, okay."

"Why? Who do I have to be careful of?"

"Your brother. You know he's homophobic, maybe you shouldn't tell him." I had already planned on keeping this from Nathan but with mom and Jason agreeing on this shows that it definitely wasn't worth the risk of him somehow supporting me. Even if I was his brother.


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