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Simon and I were sat on our bed, eating the Dominoes we ordered. We still hadn't given each other the gifts as we had both been really busy.

"Can you believe it's been ten whole years already?" Simon spoke up with a mouthful of pizza in his mouth.

"It still feels like yesterday that I first met you." I thought back to when we first met. I finally spoke to somebody who wasn't family about how I felt about my mom's actions and they actually understood.

"Yet it's been 15 years." It still didn't feel real, how could 15 years have gone by so fast?

"And they've been the best 15 years ever."

After we finished eating and moving the rubbish, we grabbed our gifts so we could finally exchange them. I sat between Simons legs, my back against his chest.

"Open mine first." I had brought Simon a new pair of trainers and a camera that he had seen recently whilst we were shopping.

"Thank you. So so much. These are amazing." I turned my head and kissed Simon. I loved seeing him happy. "Now, your turn."

I tear the paper off of the present and see a copy of Pride and Prejudice, a handwritten note and two plane tickets to Greece.

"Simon, I love you so fucking much. Thank you for these." I kissed him again before placing the gifts on the desk.


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