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After speaking with Dad for another hour, I decided to tidy up my bedroom before inviting Simon over to tell him.

"Josh!" Dad called up, "Simons here, I'll order you both a pizza but you'll have to keep a listen out for the door because I've got work."
"Thank you! I'll be down in a minute." As I reached the bottom of the stairs a figure became visible behind the glass of the front door.

"Welcome to casa de Josh." I opened the door further to let him in and walk into the kitchen to get us both a drink.
"You're still saying that?" Every time I've opened the front door for the last few weeks I've said it
"I'm never going to stop." I smile as I follow Simon up the stairs and into my room.

Whilst I turned on my PlayStation, I heard Simon sit down on my bed.
"What's this?" I turn around and see Simon holding my diary. Oh no.

some good shit bout to happen

Meant To Be // MinizerkWhere stories live. Discover now