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Joshua Bradley
Age:  24

Ten years. Ten whole years with the love of my life. So much has happened in that time and I'm so happy to have had Simon with me the whole time.

We started YouTube and we both have over a million subscribers, and we're in a YouTube group called the Sidemen which has millions of subscribers as well as a merch line and a book.

The other 5 guys who make up the Sidemen are practically family and we all have extremely close bonds and would do anything for one of the others.

"I love you." Simon had just walked into the kitchen after finally waking up. He stood behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, his head resting on my shoulder.

"Good morning to you too. I love you."

"As a heterosexual male you two make me want to be gay because your relationship is wholesome." JJ was sat at the island eating the scrambled egg on toast which I made him.

"JJ, we're both gay which means we have radar which goes off around gay people. Right now they're going crazy because you're here." We all laughed before JJ nodded.

"Well there's no point in keeping it from you two then. I'm bisexual." As I reached over the island to high five JJ, I felt Simon grab my waist. I knew what he was thinking. Horny motherfucker.


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