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As we got to the field not far from the shop Simon gestured for me to follow him to the row of trees. The
"It'll be a better spot if nobody can find you. Don't worry, I'm not going to kill you." He added the last sentence as if he knew what I was thinking. I sped up, now walking side by side with Simon.

"Are you sure you're not trying to kill me?" I comment as Simon let's go of a branch which almost hits me in my face.
"Sorry about the branch," he replies between laughs, "and I promise I'm not trying to kill you."
"That's hard to believe." We continue to walk between the trees until we find a gap in two fences. Simon looks through the gap and smiles before squeezing into the gap. As I squeeze through my eyes are drawn to a pile of rocks in the corner.

"How about this place? It's small but isolated from the world." I look at Simon and nod, I'm lost for words. It might just be a few rocks but that is more than I expected.

I take a seat on a rock and Simon sits opposite me on the floor, as he pulls his bag off his back and onto his lap, I do the same, opening it up to see all the snacks that we had previously bought. As I take them out my bag and lay them on the ground between us I see one of my copies of Pride and Prejudice, I must have left it in there last time I used my bag.

not ready for tonight 😬

Meant To Be // MinizerkWhere stories live. Discover now