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Joshua Bradley
Age: 14

In the last five years, my life has changed for the better. When I was 11, Dad moved out. As promised he brought me with him. I still have to visit Mom on the weekends but she's always going out with her boyfriend so I never really see her.

Nathan was arrested last year for attacking a lesbian couple. Dad offered the couple some money as an apology and they refused to take the money because it was Nathan's actions, not Dads.

Simon and I were closer than ever. Obviously Simon was out and most of the people in school and around the area knew but nobody knew about me being gay. Or about me liking Simon.

Today was the day I was going to tell Dad though. I couldn't keep it a secret much longer and it'll be easier to get it off of my chest.

"Hey dad, can I speak to you about something?"

"Go ahead."

"Well, do you remember a few years ago that conversation we had when you said we were going to get out of the house and be free from Mom?"

"Was that when you told me about Nathan being horrible to Simon about his sexuality?"

"Yes, that's the one. Anyway, I said that I was scared that if I were to be gay then Nathan would hate me." Even though I knew Dad would accept me, I still got worried about his reaction and tears began to flow down my cheeks. "Now I don't care about Nathan and what he could ever have to say to me about my sexuality. I'm gay, Dad."

"I completely understand Josh, either way, you're still my son and I will forever stand by you and your choices. So tell me, who do you like?"

"Simon," I muttered, I was embarrassed to tell anyone because Simon was my best friend and he probably wouldn't like me back.

"Does Simon know you're gay? If he doesn't know, I would recommend telling him as soon as you feel ready. I have a feeling that Simon might like you back."

"What do you mean? How do you have a feeling he likes me back?"

"I see the two of you together every day, when you are around him I only see a smile. He always asks if you're happy and makes sure you're alright with what's happening. When everyone is laughing he always looks to make sure you're laughing before laughing himself." I thought back to all the times we had been together, he did always ask if I was happy with what we were playing or watching. He did always make sure I was alright and not feeling down or upset over anything.

Dad could have been right about Simon. I needed to tell him soon.


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