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"The police and ambulance are on their way. As well as Simon." I don't know if Mom knew whether Simon and I were dating or if she thought we were just friends.

"Ok. Jason, thank you for saving me." Although he had saved my life, he ended Nathan's.

The door began knocking and Mom rushed over in case it was the paramedics or police. Instead it was Simon. I stood up quickly and rushed over to him, immediately being pulled into a hug.

"Are you alright?" Stupid question.

"I'm not sure how I should answer that. My life was just saved but I know that my brothers dead body is just a few metres away."

"It was a stupid question to be honest. What happened?"

"He started saying shit about how the two years of jail time was worth the sense of accomplishment he had after attacking that couple. I told him I was gay then he began to hit me before Jason threw him off of me and he landed on the glass table and I'm guessing there are millions of shards stuck into his back due to the major blood loss." This was my fault. If I'd kept my mouth shut then he wouldn't have started to attack me. And he wouldn't be dead.

"It's not your fault, stop thinking that it is. You stuck up for yourself and he didn't accept it. You remember how crazy he was about the idea of karma? I guess his karma kept growing and this was it." I thought about what Simon just said. In a way, he was right. He didn't really have any major consequences other than jail but the way Nathan was speaking about it, it sounds like he enjoyed in jail.

No matter what excuse I made, it always led back to it being my fault.

Nathan is dead. Because of me.


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