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Mom: Can you come and visit please? There's something I need to show you.

Josh: Sure, when?

Mom: Are you free today?

Josh: Ye, I'll get the earliest train over.

"I'm going to my Mom's, she said she had something she needs to show me." Simon nodded before speaking up.

"Does that mean you'll have time to finish reading Pride and Prejudice on the train?"

"I'll probably finish it on the way home."

"Ok, have fun."

I left the house and headed to the train station, the next train was expected to arrive in a few minutes.

Whilst at the train station and on the train I met a few fans. They sat opposite me and we spoke for a while and I encouraged them to follow their dreams.

One of the girls who came over, Hannah, looked really worried when she asked me a question.
"I've known that I'm bi for a while now and I want to tell my friends and family but I'm scared about losing them. What should I do?"

"The best piece of advice I can give is be yourself, if they don't accept you then it you shouldn't have to associate with them. I need you to promise me that if your family doesn't accept you, you leave. I'll follow you on Twitter, message me as soon as you can about their reactions." She wrote down her twitter username and we spoke for a while longer before having to get off the train.

"It was nice to meet you, Hannah. I hope it goes well!"

"Thank you so much Josh." She hugged me before leaving the train station.


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