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When we got to the hospital the nurse at first denied access to seeing Hannah but I showed her the messages and she went to ask Hannah if she knew who we were.

"Please follow me to Hannah's room." She guided us down the corridor and opened the door for us before turning on her heels and walking off.

"Hi again Josh! Hello Simon."

"Hey Hannah, it's nice to meet you."

"Hannah, you know how I said about arranging something for you? Well, because of your age you can't live alone. How do you feel about me and Simon adopting you?"

"Really! Oh my god I'd love that! Thank you both." I stood up to hug Hannah and she quickly wrapped her arms around me. Doing the same to Simon once we separated.

"We're going to need your parents contact details so we can get a copy of your birth certificate and explain to them what's going to happen."

"I'll send them to you on Twitter."

"I'll give you my number instead. You're technically family now." I gave her mine and Simons numbers and she sent us both her parents address, email and numbers.

Within the space of 24 hours I'm engaged and sorting out an adoption. Could life get any better?


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