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TRIGGER WARNING: HOMOPHOBIC SLURS (I'll add a trigger warning to where it'll start and end if you don't want to read it just skip through and I'll mark where it ends.)

We were sat in the living room discussing random topics when the door opened. I turn in curiosity and when I see who was stood there I wish I had never shown up today.


"I'm home, Mom." I look back and forth from Jason and Mom to Nathan who was yet to notice my presence.

"Nathan, come in here." I feel my heartbeat quicken as Nathan takes each step. He had been let out. Early. "Look who's here."

(trigger warning)

"Oh, hi Josh. Still associate with that faggot?" My breathing was becoming harder to control.

"You'd think you would have learnt by now. Especially after two years of jail."

"Learnt what? That two years of jail is worth the sense of accomplishment after beating up those queers?"

"Do you remember a few years ago when we had an argument because I told you that you were a dick for disrespecting Simon after he came out to you?"

"When I asked if you were queer too?"

"That's right. You said that you'd do the same if I ever came out because all they want is attention. But it's the complete opposite. The last thing we want is attention. When the attention is on us we end up being attacked. It isn't fun. If we had the choice we'd follow society but that's not how it works. You could fall in love with anyone and you can't help it." As soon as I finish talking I feel a fist connect with my jaw. I was expecting something to happen but I had the slightest hope that Nathan had changed during his sentence.

(trigger warning)

After a few more hits to the jaw the weight from Nathan is pulled away. Being too scared to move I lie still and wait for something to happen.

Instead of another hit, there was the sound of glass shattering. At first I thought it was Nathan breaking some ornaments but from the cries of Mom I knew something a lot worse had happened.

As I sat up I saw Nathan lying on the other side of the room. Surrounded by glass. And blood.

The longer we spend looking at his body, the bigger the blood pool gets.

"Is he?" None of us wanted to confirm it but we couldn't avoid it.

"We need to call the police and the paramedics. There could still be a chance of survival if we call them as soon as possible." Mom hurries out of the room, phone in hand.

I walk over, feeling his neck for a pulse.



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