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"Simon? I'm home." Simons mom had just got back home, I had expected him to separate from me as we were cuddling on the sofa but he just continued to watch Netflix.

"We're in here." Simon called out.

"Who's we- Oh hello Josh." Simons mom had always been friendly around me but I guess that was because I was straight when she was homophobic. "Are you two together?"

"Yes, since yesterday afternoon." She clapped her hands when she put the shopping bags on the kitchen island.

"I knew you liked him!" She fist-bumped the air before taking a seat opposite us. "That's why I finally came to terms with your sexuality Simon."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I noticed a change in your mood whenever Josh was here. At first I thought it was just because you were really close but then one day it just clicked and I realised that you liked him. I couldn't disapprove of you being gay if I saw how it made you a lot happier. I proud of you both and I can really see this relationship going far."

"Wow. It really was obvious to everyone but us." Simon laughed as I sat up.

"I need to use the bathroom. I'll be back in a minute." I stood up slowly, trying to gain strength after not moving off the sofa for 8 hours.

"Take it steady, you haven't stood up properly since you passed out at your moms." As I made my way to the staircase I saw Simon nod to his mom, most likely to say that he would explain what has happened.


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