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Once we finished at Miracles I went back to the train station. Not wanting to be late to the Sidemen filming session.

As soon as I got on the rain I pulled Pride and Prejudice out of my bag and started to read the last few chapters. The train journey wasn't long so if I wanted to finish to book I had to focus.

By the last five chapters I was nervous to see what was at the end of the book. Simon had mentioned it being the best post it note but he made me promise not to look. As much as I wanted to look, I didn't.

The train reaches its final stop and I quickly order an Uber to pick me up so I can finish the book instead of walking back and having to put my book in my bag again.

I give the driver my address before opening the book for why I hope to be the last time today because I'm not sure how long I can go without knowing why Simon has wanted me to finish the book so fast these last few days.

I finish the last chapter as we get onto the street before the house and the post it under the text says 'turn the page'. Slowly, I turn the page and in bold writing the words 'Marry me' sit on the page.

As soon as we pull up at the house I'm out of the Uber quicker than possible. I open the front door and throw my bag on the floor.

"Simon Edward fucking Minter!"


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