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"Hey Josh, your moms coming to pick you up in two hours. She said that today was a good day and she wanted to see you because of some news she had." Me and Simon had been awake watching Friends for the last two hours, we must have watched the whole series together at least ten times.

"Oh great. Lucky me." I sarcastically reply before getting out of bed to get ready to visit the devil in hell.

"Chandler or Joey?" Simon knew that I was worried about what has going to happen later so he was trying to distract me.

"Chandler in the show, Matt LeBlanc in real life."

"Good choice. If you need me today call me and head to your spot. I'll be there as soon as possible."

"Thank you. Should I tell her?" Was it too soon to tell mom? Could I trust her? Was she homophobic? Would she tell Nathan? Shit. Nathan.

"Only if you feel comfortable. You don't know how her and whoever she's with are homophobia so many ease into the conversation before blurting it out. Make sure you can trust them. Especially if Nathan is released soon."

"I'll let you know later if I tell her. And if you find out by me calling you because I'm at my spot then you'll know how they reacted."

"Just try to not to think about it. That's the worst thing you can do right now."

"I guess you're right. Thank you." Once I was finally dressed I sat back on the bed and watched a few more episodes until the dreaded time had come.


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