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"Simon Edward fucking Minter!"

"Hello to you too." He walks out of our room and leans against the railing. I notice in the corner of my eye the kitchen door slowly opening and the boys peering through the gap.

"Yes. Of course I'll marry you." Simons smirk grows and the boys start cheering. Tears of happiness filling my eyes.

Simon makes his way down the stairs and kisses me lightly before hugging me tightly and whispering "I love you" into my ear.

"I love you too."

"Fuck filming! We're going to celebrate, my gift." JJ shouts.

"How longs the celebration lasting?" Harry jokes, a serious expression masking his face.

"At least 15 hours. An hour for each year they've known each other."

My phone buzzes but I ignore it. I wasn't expecting a message from anyone so it's not that important, and definitely doesn't top what is happening right now.


Meant To Be // MinizerkWhere stories live. Discover now