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I waited until the others had woke themselves up, not wanting to pester them whilst they were hungover.

Vik was first to wake up, making his way straight to his cereal stash.

"Hey Vik, can I ask you a question?"

"You just did." He laughs at his joke before signalling for me to continue.

"I gave a fan some advice on coming out and she's ended up in hospital. Her parents disowned her and she has no other family. Would you be alright if she were to live here for a while? Me and Simon are going to see her and talk to her about adopting her if you and JJ are fine with her being here." Vik quickly swallowed the cereal in his mouth before speaking up.

"I don't mind at all. And I think it's pretty cool that she's a fan, it means we'll all be able to speak about the same things."

"I don't mind either. Maybe she's a good singer, we could make a diss track on homophobic people." JJ walked into the room, taking a seat at the island next to me.

Perfect. Hannah would be safe.

Now to ask her how she feels about it.


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