Infinitely Sweet

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You are the chilling, frozen scoop of ice cream
That sulks in the glass bowl before me
Like a toad squatting and awaiting its next meal
Oh, how you turn the roots of my teeth to ice
And my brain to a snowcap upon a mountain
And you leak over the sides of the bowl,
Pooling into sticky puddles on my mahogany table,
You are infinitely sweet
Topped with whipped cream that tilts to the side,
Caramel ribbons that wrap all around you
Perched atop a vanilla hill, filled with chocolate ores
I stuff my heart with your flavors,
Savoring each moment spent with you.
And once you melt and I am old and frail
And my heart is like a dam ready to burst
Then I will melt, too
Intermingling in a puddle with you
Until we just evaporate away.

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