Chapter 40-

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Vanessa pOv

I didn't want to tell Madelaine about my family, but I can tell she was curious. I wasn't ready to tell her what bad things, my parents did. Well, not exactly my parents, but mostly my whole family. Camila decided, to give us space so, she went upstairs.

"Madelaine, I have to tell you something." I say, with a sad tone.

"What is it?" She says, curiously.

"Look, before I tell you this, my family.. They're bad people. They would force my siblings, and I to do things, we didn't want to. We would cry ourselves to sleep, and it would be there fault, and it still is." I say.

She nods her head understanding. I'm glad that I can talk to her about, this.

"Okay. My family, would hurt innocent people, and they would make us witness it. It was hard, to witness it when you see the pain and cries, coming from those innocent people. My dad started all this, and he literally, brainwashed my whole family into doing it. I was only 9 years old." I sob.

Madelaine opened her mouth to talk, but I interrupted her.

"He- He would tell me that if I didn't see the things he was doing, he would hurt my whole family." I cried.

Madelaine looks at me, she gets up and hugs me. I hugged her tightly. This was exactly, what I needed.

"It's okay my love. I'm sorry, he did all those things to you, but just know you're safe now. I'm going to protect you no matter what. I love you, okay? Always." She smiles.

How did I deserve, her?

"I love you. Thank you, for everything. You seriously, don't understand how much this means to me." I say, and I pulled away from the hug.

"Don't thank me, baby. That's, what I'm here for." She says, and kisses me.

The kiss was going to get heated until, my phone rang.

I rolled my eyes, and Madelaine just laughs, I get up to get my phone.

Caller Id: Lili

Madelaine, saw who was calling me and nods for me to answer, it.

"Hey Lili." I sigh.

"Hey, Vanessa. I just called to apologize for earlier, I didn't mean to cause a scene, I was just mad and I'm sorry."

"It's okay Lili, but I need you to do something for me."

"What is it?"

I paused. Madelaine knows what I'm going to say, and I want Camila to be happy again.

"I want you to, forgive Camila. Talk to her. She really misses you, and she hasn't been the same. Please, talk to her. You guys, are my family. I need you guys, to talk. Atleast, sort things out." I pleaded her.

She paused.

Can she just talk to her? She's making this hard for me.

"I'll do it." She says.

Yay! I just want them both to be happy, I can tell they're hurting.

"Thank you." I smiled.

"You're welcome. Tomorrow, Her and I can talk."


"Bye, Vanessa."

"Bye Lili."

End call.

That was, easy.

sorry this chapter was short ! anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Love you guyssss . <3 if you guys have any suggestions,that  I can use on this book comment them, or dm me. ❤

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