Prolouge (From Preppy and Tramp)

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I hope you guys enjoy this journey of Roger and Giovanni!

"Roger, look, I don't know why you hate mom and dad so much but can't you slow down? You know I hate walking fast, it should be banned! You can only walk or run, there should have never been an in between." Cecilia rambled from behind me, I nodded my head and turned around. She bumped into me from the sudden stop.

"You're right, there should be no in between." I said taking out my wallet and handed her the ten dollars I had in there. The only money I had in there, I just paid the rent. "There's ten, cab fair home or whatever. I'll be back."

With that, I zipped up my black jacket and pulled up my jeans and ran. I ran as fast as I could, ignoring Cecilia's protest.

I'm not strong like Acendro.

I'm not loyal like Cecilia.

I'm sure as hell not optimist like Wesley. 

I'm not romantic and fun and loving like Elvis.

I'm not adorable like the fucking monster dog pet Daniel.

So what the hell am I?

Who the hell am I?

Why did my parents leave?

Was it something I did?

I can't help who I am and so why, in the end, did they leave? You know, I'm so fucking fed up with everything, but I have to be there. I have to be the rock for Acendro and my sister and Wesley and practically the whole gang being their leader.

But I just want to be able to sit down and breath.

Why is breathing such a necessity, but then it is so hard to do it when there's so much going on?

"Can I get another one please?" I asked the bartender for the fourth time. Or was it fifth? I'm not sure after the fourth one.

"I'm cutting you off, sir." He said knocking on the table. I laughed and felt myself wobble on the seat. "I'm going to have to charge you though."

"Oh really? Cutting me off? Who the hell do you think you are? My mom? Oh wait, looks like as of a few weeks ago that position is open and you may as well take the fatherly, the step fatherly, the step motherly, the grandma, the grandpa, the cousins, everyone practically. But you better watch out! I have my gang everywhere." I said with a drunken laugh. My mind was running in circles.


Can a mind run?


If the sun goes around the earth at a tilt, then why does the sun go up and down? Shouldn't it be like, in a straight line like vertically? Or was it horizontally? I mean like at the line that goes from left to right.

Or is it right to left?

Oh! And if like there's people here. Does that mean the first people like had sex with each other and interbreed?

Wait! So you know how people like fall in love? And then when they break up with the person, they feel like all lonely and get all these different side effects that can make the person infunctionable.

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