Chapter 7

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Reality hit when there was a knock on the door and a familiar face appeared.

"Alex, what are you doing here?" I asked letting him in. Thankfully Acendro and Cecilia were out with Elvis, probably why Alex knew it was okay to come.

A few years ago when I was around 16, he used to be the one who practically contracted me for the higher ups when they wanted somebody to take care of somebody. He told me about jobs and would be the one I called when the job is done to let the higher ups know.

I started getting good at it when I was about 15 and the gangs used to attack me, it started as self defense to a form of protection that I perfected. Especially after Cecilia was attacked and assaulted, I made sure I could be strong enough to protect her in such a dangerous world.

But couldn't have her knowing, I didn't want her to be put in danger or have to lie for me.

"Long time no see. I see you're still in the slums." He said with a hint of disgust. Rolling my eyes, I handed him some bourbon and watched as he took a seat in the living room.

"I'm happy with my family, all I can ask." I simply stated grabbing a beer. Dressed in just sweatpants, Alex looked at my body with lust before looking away.

"You're wanted for an important job." Alex said sipping on his drink. Rolling my eyes I closed the distance between us instead of leaning against the kitchen counter and sat across from him.

"I told you alr-"

"They're paying a lot. A lot more than usual." Alex said, not taking no for an answer. "It's the big boss, Roger, not some silly gang stuff. Organized crime, Roger. They want you."

"It's too dangerous, with my family. I can't risk them." I argued. Alex already knew the deal, my family needed me to be here since our parents left.

"And it's an even bigger risk not taking it, you'll make them angry."

"Why can't they get somebody else? I'm not the biggest name in the world." I argued back trying to get out of this, I know he's in risk of getting punished if he doesn't convince me.

"That's exactly why, they like how you're practically unknown, a secret. The target won't see it coming." Alex said handing me stacks of hundred bills. I felt a familiar lump in my throat and the greed build up in my stomach, corrupting my heart. "That's just half. They want it done by Friday."

"It's Saturday." I said looking up at him confused. "I need to find-"

"They have his location, their hacker found exactly where he's at and have a plan. They just need someone stealthy enough and unrecognizable, in case caught, to go in, kill him and his son, and leave." Alex explained, pulling out the building layout and other documents.


"Son? How old is the son?" I asked confused, he knows I don't exactly favor the killing of children.

"Not that young, he's 14 and is being trained to be the next big boss." Alex said with a shrug. "He knew the risk of taking the job."

"The job his parents are forcing onto him! He's a child-"

"It's you and your family or him, Rog! As much as it pains me to say, they know how to hurt you! They know your weakness, your family and gang, that's a pretty big circle. They want the job done," he kneeled in front of me and put his hand on my thighs, bringing up memories of the past, "don't think about it. Just do what you do best and you'll get the money and your family will be safe."

"Get off of me." I simply stated. Alex sighed, I know he knows about Giovanni.

"So?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

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