Chapter 2

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Giovanni was resting soundly on my chest, with a sigh I gently removed myself from him and went to the bathroom. Cutting on the shower, I hopped in and instantly felt cool as usually I wake up I feel super hot.

It was only for a few seconds, as to save on water, but I stepped out and wrapped the towel around my waist.

"Where are you going?" Gio mumbled from the bed. With a sigh, I walked over to him and pecked his lips.

"I have to take care of some business." I said grabbing a black long sleeve shirt from my dresser. Dropping the towel, I can hear the hitch in Gio's voice, I couldn't help but smirk. Putting on my underwear, I turned around and raised an eyebrow. "Are you okay?"

"Shut up!" Gio said with the cutest blush on his cheeks I thought I was going to melt. Walking over to him, I gently placed a kiss on his lips before pulling away. He whined, shaking his head. "You're so annoying."

"You love me." I whispered kissing his forehead before resuming getting ready. We were quiet, him just watching me move around my room putting on deodorant and my cologne.

"Please be safe." He whispered, turning around I saw a tear drip down his face. With a sigh, I walked over to the edge of bed and cupped his cheeks. With my thumb, I wiped away his fallen tears.

"Don't worry about me." I whispered, leaning close to him. "I'll be fine."

"We don't know that." He whispered looking up into my eyes, his hazel eyes are so beautiful and hypnotizing.

"I'll be fine as long as I have you to come home to." I admitted, he practically sank into the palm of my hand and nodded. "I have to go."

"Ok." He said nodded his head and craned his neck to kiss my lips. It was almost painful having to pull away, but I did it anyways. Walking out the door, I closed the door and leaned against it. Shaking my head, I have to let go of his attachment.

I have to walk in there with no weaknesses. Finding the strength to get off the door, I walked out the house.

"About time you showed up." His deep voice said. Rolling my eyes, I took a seat next to him at the bar.

"I got preoccupied." I said in a deep voice. Matthew shook his head, looking into my eyes.

"Another bitch?" He assumes, taking a hit out of his blunt. Rolling my eyes, I looked around at the closed bar. It was one of gang's property.

"Why did you call me here?" I asked looking back at him.

"I need you to make a delivery." He said handing a bag full of bottles of pills. Who knows what's in there.

"Where to?" I asked taking the bag and putting it into my jacket.

"The barber shop on 6th street." Matthew said handing me my share of the money. "The boss is thinking about moving you up, so keep your head up."

"Moving me up?" I asked confused. I told them I'm not killing one anymore.

"They don't want such a valuable piece to be at the bottom." Matthew said ruffling my hair. I slapped his arm away, but he grabbed onto my chin. "Don't mess up. You knew what it meant joining us."

"But I know you know that I have more than enough power to-"

I heard a noice, but quickly dismissed the threat.

"There's someone here." Matthew said letting me go. Turning towards the door I saw some people from fucking Evanston, the opposing gang.

"What do they want?" I groaned remembering the knives I have hidden in my arm sleeves and the gun I have in my waistband.

"Just stay cool." Matthew said typing away at his phone. I rolled my eyes and drank the beer he had offered me when I first walked in. The boys walked in. "We're closed."

"I'm aware." The middle guy said, running a hand through his black hair. I rolled my eyes and just continued to sip on my beer.

"You've stepped on the wrong territory." I said shaking my head. When I used to be in that business, I always stay hidden, so it's no surprise that they don't know who I am or what I'm capable of.

"Oh yeah. I was informed that there was a drug transfer day, here. Those were our customers and we want our share." The one with blonde hair said. Matthew and I shared a look before shaking our head.

The one with black hair shook his head, licking his lips before pulling out a gun. "Give it or you're going to die."

With another sigh, I stood up and knew we were outnumbered. The man turned off the safety. But instead of running, I jumped over the counter and ducked, following Matthew's lead. He quickly armed himself and pulled out a machine gun. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Just get me an opening." I said getting annoyed with the guys just randomly shooting, breaking a lot of the alcohol behind us. Matthew nodded his head and began to shoot the randomly. Peeking over, I saw their vulnerable spots. Taking out a knife from my sleeve, I aimed at his leg and threw it.

His cry brought pleasure to my ears as he fell to the floor. Taking the opportunity, I ran towards him, taking my knife back and quickly ended the job. With him down and others distracted, I threw the same knife into the other guy's leg, watching as he cursed and fell to the ground. Matthew was able to take of the last guy, shooting him in the head.

I took my knife and dodged the guy's attempt to shoot me, instead I stabbed his arm and kicked away his gun.

With disgust I whipped my poor knife on the dead guy's shirt.

"Are you going to find somebody to take care of this?" I asked looking around, noticing all the broken glass on the floor.

"Yeah I'll call it in." Matthew said shaking his head. "I guess you can add a tear drop."

"Those look stupid." I said shaking my head. Matthew smiled at me and rolled his eyes.

"I won't tell Julio." Matthew said.

"A bartender only spills drinks, not secrets." I said with a smile and went to finish my job. The dried blood wasn't obvious as my shirt was black.

I want Giovanni.


So what new hobbies have y'all picked up over this time in quarantine?? I'm picking up drawing-ish. I suck, so I think I may just stick with writing and reading.

But yeah, I don't know, any hobby ideas or movie suggestions?? Let me know in the comments!


Love y'all and stay safe.

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