Chapter 27

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Waking up, I looked around and was surrounded by all white walls. I was in the hospital. Looking around some more, it didn't seem like an ordinary hospital, more like a room in a house.

"You're awake." A man said walking in with a doctor thingy around his neck. He stayed by the door frame and watched as I tensed in his presence. He's a stranger.

"Who are you? Where's Jacob?" I asked wishing for dear life my knives were with me. The man seemed to have noticed my distress and threw me my sleeves that were on this chair.

"Don't put them on, your wounds need to heal." The man said staring at me. "Can I check on you?"

I looked at him and shook my head no. "Where's Jacob?"

"He's out." The doctor said remaining calm. I can feel my heart beat out of my chest as I held onto my knives for security. "I need to check on your wounds to ensure they aren't bleeding."

He stepped closer to me, but I quickly pulled out a knife and aimed it at him, my shoulder hissing in pain. I suppressed the cry and shook my head.

"Stay away from me." I growled. The man kept his hands up in surrender and nodded his head.

"I'm going to pull out my phone and have you talk to Jacob, okay? I'm a good friend of his." The man said throwing me his phone. I looked down and saw that Jacob's name was displayed on the screen and he was being called.

Quickly, I picked up his phone and tried to move my legs, but realized that I was chained down by handcuffs.

"What?" Jacob's harsh voice entered my ear.

"Jacob? Baby? Where am I? Where are you? I'm scared. I'm scared and I wanna go home. Where are you Jacob?" I cried, tears coming from my eyes. I can hear Jacob moving from the other side of the phone and I heard him clear his throat.

"I'm gonna be away for a few more days, okay? Baby, listen to me. You're going to be okay. I need you to trust Doctor Pearson, he's not going to hurt you. Okay, baby? Will you do that for me?" Jacob whispered. I looked up at the man and suppressed my cry.

"When are you coming to get me?" I asked, nodding my head. The doctor walked towards me and assessed my arms. The evidence of Dereks torture still there.

"I'm coming soon, okay baby? But I need you to be a good boy, follow what Pearson says, he'll tell me if you've been misbehaving." Jacob said with the same seductive undertone. I nodded my head and wiped away my tears.

"Okay, Jacob. Hurry." I said knowing I had to be strong while he's gone. I'm going to be strong for him. "I'll behave."

Jacob hummed into the phone. "You're going to be okay. I'll be there by tomorrow night. I just need to take care of some business first."

I nodded my head and looked down at the long, deep cut Derek left on my arm.

"Hurry, I don't think I can survive without you." I whispered, burying my feelings deep inside. I'm scared of what will happen if I let them go without Jacob being here. I can turn into a monster on accident.

"Okay, baby. I'm going to be there very soon." Jacob said. "Ill see you soon."

"Ok." I whispered and hung up the phone, handing it back to Pearson. He slipped the phone into his pocket and finished checking up on me.

"I'm Pearson." The doctor said, looking into my eyes. He was old, like sixties, but he looked young and handsome. But you can tell by the wrinkles on his face, he's aging. "I've known Jacob since Marcellus first brought him here to heal him up."

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