Chapter 15

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Standing in front of the house, I stepped inside with a sigh, there wasn't a hint from what happened the other day. Thankfully.

Walking into my room, I grabbed a bag from the closet and easily stuffed every piece of clothing I had. I don't have much clothes. I packed the pictures and everything I needed before leaving and going to Cecilia's room. She was done packing when I walked in and gave me a smile.

Elvis was done cleaning out the kitchen and Acendro already had his stuff at Elvis's house. Giovanni decided it would be best if he stayed in the car.

We were out within seconds and threw everything in the trunk. I stayed outside and watched as they piled in. Leaning against the car, I tapped my lips and smiled when Giovanni leaned in and gave me a kiss.

"Want to go to the zoo?" Elvis offered, ignoring us. "The Lincoln park zoo."

"Yes!" Cecilia exclaimed looking at everyone in the car. She turned over to me and saw I wasn't inside the car yet. "Rog, you coming in?"

I shook my head and ran my hand through Giovanni's hair. "No I have business to take care of."

Giovanni looked up at me confused, his eyes wide and adorable. "You're not coming?" He looks like a baby, I just want to hug him forever.

"No, but they're going to take care of you, okay? Stay next to Elvis and if I hear from him that you strayed away, I'm going to be upset." I said pulling his face into my chest, his warmth calming the coldness and anger boiling in my heart. "Everything will be okay."

Giovanni nodded and gave me one last kiss before closing the door behind him. I can feel the tightening of my chest just being away from him.

"Be safe, guys." I said walking to the drivers window and gave Elvis a look. He's probably the only person I trust out of this group to take care of the people I love. "Watch them."

"Don't worry about them." Elvis said with a smile and turned around. "Make sure you guys are all buckled in."

I sighed and shook my head. "I'll be back, three days, tops."

"We can build a fort in the living room and have a sleepover movie night." Cecilia offered in the back, Acendro agreeing from the passenger seat. They can be such kids.

I hope they never stop.

"And please don't stay out too late?" I said to Elvis who dabbed me up, his hands worn out. I can smell his cologne from here.

"Quit worrying mama bear, I'll take care of them. We'll be back inside the house before the sun goes down and I'll even have them all hold hands as we walk through the zoo. And I'll make sure they eat and brush their teeth before going to bed." Elvis said sarcastically, but I knew he was gonna do exactly that. We both were slowly starting to act more and more like parents.

"Stop acting like we're kids! Roger go! We'll be fine! I'm 16 years old!" Cecilia exclaimed from the back and reached over Elvis to roll up the window.

I didn't want to leave, but I could feel the gang slowly start to meet around me. Shaking my head, I waved and waited until they were gone before turning around. Ryan was sitting on the stairs smoking and handed his cigarette to me. Without hesitation, I took a few hits before calming down.

"Lets go." I said watching as he stood up and securely held the gun that was at his waistband.

We walked over to Matthews bar and met up with the rest of the gang. It's been a while since I've seen these fools. As dumb as they are, they're good at what they do and they're crazy. Crazy fools who are willing to follow me into hell.

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