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What day was it?

I can barely stand straight.

Either Jacob's dick or all the drugs and alcohol in my system. I leaned against the man in front of me and leaned my head against his neck.

The man grabbed me by the waist and pulled me close to him.

I love this.

I felt their bodies around me. Some may find it suffocating, vulnerability being so exposed, but I found it refreshing. Spending so much time killing the heat inside of human beings, sometimes it's nice to relish in it while they're living.

The music only got turned lower and it was the song Young, Wild, and Free but a remix.

The chorus came on the lyrics really hit hard, I couldn't help but put my hands up in the air. A man passed me a pill and I dry swallowed it.

Everything around me was a nice pink and purple color. I chugged the shot someone else gave me and passed the cup to some bystander.

"So what we get drunk! So what we smoke weed, were just having fun! We don't care who sees! So what we go out! That's how it's supposed to be!" I screamed and ran a hand through my long hair. "Living young, wild, and free!"

Stumbling, I leaned against a different person and danced against him to the soft but hard beat. Another song came on, more chaotic than the last as they beat went through the floors and vibrating into each and every one of us.

Closing my eyes, I ran my hand through my hair as I tried to air out my unbuttoned shirt. A bandana tied around my wrist, I couldn't help but dance to the beat of the music. Peoples bodies pushed up against mine. The base was so loud, I literally felt the vibrations through me.

We jumped up and down, side to side, everything felt so chaotic. Like I was on a plane with turbulence. The scars were still on my chest from those few nights. But I don't care. I couldn't care right now.

All I can care about it what's right in front of me. What's all around me. That's all I can care about.

Nothing else matters.

My head hung back as I danced to the music, my body loose.

Opening my eyes, I met those same emerald eyes. They're so reassuring and comforting. I know no matter the lifetime or dimension, we'd be together.

I can feel them mixing around and going in circles. They were so beautiful. They held such lust and loss.

Two fucked up souls destined to be together to keep each other from falling apart.

His smile reminded me of what we were here to do.

Little do these people know, we're the enemy.

And we had to send a message.

I gave him the nod and pulled out a knife from my sleeves. He lips pulled into a smirk as he shot his gun into the air, the bullet entering a woman near by. With a guard at each exit, these people weren't going anywhere.

Grabbing the nearest person to me by the back of his neck and pressing my body onto his, I sliced his neck and loved seeing him fall to the ground, begging for some piece of oxygen to enter him. But it wasn't going to. His eyes were wide as he realized he was going to die.

The DJ was with us, he made sure to blast the music even louder to hush out the screams.

I laughed and spun around, knives at both hands and killing everyone near me. Jacob saw what I was doing and did the same, shooting the people around him with no mercy. The sound of their cries only turning me on.

I ran over to Jacob and jumped on his back, kissing his lips as he turned to look at me. Laughing drunkly, we killed everyone in this club. The body guards made sure everyone was dead as we stumbled out of the club, arm in arm and painted in blood.

Kissing his lips, he forced me into the back of a car and kissed my lips. I laughed as he took off my shirt, it was already unbuttoned so he didn't have much to do.

A slight giggle escaped my lips as he went down to my pants and began to unbuckle. A body guard went into the front seat, ignoring the mess we were making in the back and drove us to the next location.

I moaned as Jacob took me in fully and ran my hand through his hair, my eyes rolling to the back of my head.

"Keep it down baby, we have company." Jacob said in a deep and alluring voice. I couldn't help but laugh and slap his head. He bit down on the tip making me cry out. "That's what I like to hear."

The man in front cleared his throat. "We're here, boss."

Jacob nodded his head and pulled me up with a smile. "Ready, baby?"

"I'll go into hell with you."

THE END!!!!!!

If you guys have any questions, leave them in the comments and I'll answer them in the next and FINAL part.

I hope y'all enjoyed the book and all it's twists and turns!! Anyways, please feel free to read my other books and follow me for more. I appreciate all the support and the comments and letting me rant.



We'll see what the future holds.


Love y'all and stay safe!!

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