Chapter 29

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Laying in bed, I looked over at Jacob who was browsing through his phone. He must have felt me move because his eyes met mine within seconds.

"Baby." Jacob whispered kissing my forehead. I smiled and snuggled into his naked chest. The thin hospital blanket did nothing to hide the mess we made last night.

"Hi." I said, my voice deep from just waking up. My chest felt lighter and my heart feels like it's on cloud nine. "What do mob bosses even do on their phones? Do you have an Instagram?"

Jacob looked at me with silence for a few seconds before bursting out laughing. A deep belly laugh that made me laugh along with him. Grabbing the pillow from behind us, I smacked him across the head. "What? Stop laughing at me!"

Jacob pulled me underneath him in a hug, I can smell the sweat mixed with his natural scent. I laughed, the feeling of being able to literally feel his chest rise and fall with laughter was weird. "Jacob! Stop!"

He hovered over me and smiled. His hair was dangling over his face and his eyes were shining through his dark hair, meeting my eyes. "I love you."

He's so stupid. "I love you too."

The door barged open, while I tried to hide behind Jacob, he remained still and on top of me. Not breaking the eye contact.

"Jesus, boss. It's literally seven in the morning!" Pearson exclaimed in his usual monotone expression. He pushed Jacob off of me and looked at my wounds, who only rolled his eyes and ran a hand through his hair to push it back. "You two need to shower."

Jacob left the bed naked and walked to the shower that was just across the room. Pearson looked at my injuries and shook his head.

"I told you not to do anything to him, boss. He needs to heal." Pearson muttered, but Jacob heard him.

"You should know better than to tell me what to do." Jacob said, his high voice on. I guess Pearson really is close to Jacob. It only took a few minutes before Jacob was done with the shower. He grabbed some clothes that were inside the dresser in the corner.

But he only put on underwear and a pair of sweats.

He walked over to me and pushed Pearson out of the way, carrying me by the waist and sat me down in the shower.

"I could have walked." I muttered rolling my eyes with a slight playful pout.

"Doctor says your wounds are still healing." Jacob said pushing his hair out of his face and turned on the shower. He grabbed the soap and started with my neck.

He didn't seem to mind if his sweats were getting wet.

His hands were gentle and it felt soothing against the heat of the water. Pearson stayed back and watched as Jacob bathed me.

I watched his hands travel down my chest where Jacob stopped. Looking into his eyes, I can see how conflicted he was feeling. I put my hand on top of his and watched as he broke his gaze, staring at my eyes now.

"I'm sorry." Jacob whispered. I nodded my head and gave him a slight smile.

"I am too." I whispered a tear falling from my face as I tried to block the memories from resurfacing. Jacob was almost done rinsing me off before I couldn't hold it in anymore.

Grabbing onto his arm, I tried to stay calm. I have to be strong. I have to be strong. I have to be strong.

But the cries.

Oh god, the cries of the people I love. I can hear them. I can feel their sweat hitting my body as they fell the floor.

A scream echoed throughout the bathroom. 

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