Chapter 12

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I was sad when I had to leave Giovanni in the middle of the night. Talking my house keys, I quickly left and emerged into the darkness. It was pretty cold outside, the breeze made me shiver. The simple black long sleeve and jeans didn't nothing to protect me.

After the museum we bid goodbye to his friends. I gave Chad a man hug and whispered in his ear, "you should try it sometime."

He blushed and pulled away from me looking away. Gio was busy pulling up the car, his pants a mess. Finally, inside the car he waved at his friends and looked over at me with a mischievous smile.

"Did you like the museum?" He asked with a gentle voice, biting his bottom lips and looking up at me with his big puppy dog eyes. God, he's so fucking beautiful. I smiled and caressed his face, loving how he leaned into his.

"I love you." I admitted, his hazel eyes brightened. He looked over at me with a large smile, almost causing an accident.

"I love you too." He said with a large smile, almost bouncing in his seat. He let out a small giggle underneath his breath.

Keeping the memory close, I put the keys away when I saw a car was already outside, ready to pick me up. Alex must have remembered I don't have car.

I'm broke as fuck.

Most of my money goes to taking care of dumb and dumber. But now that they're with Elvis, it's been empty around here. I'll have to go see them soon.

Walking up to the car, I got into the back seat and sighed. "What do you want?"

Alex turned around from the front seat and smiled. "You, but you're off limits, so you're gonna teach someone a lesson and leave a message."

Rolling my eyes, I read over the papers they gave me and sighed. It's gonna be a long night again. But I guess it's just part of the job.

Besides, I don't want to be killed. Even if the big boss finds me attractive, I know he won't hesitant to kill me.

So I have to kill this man in front of. Staring into his face, I smiled and loved the sound of him groaning. He started to cry from fear as I used my small single blade to carve small, but deep lines on the sides of his fat ass face.

Coming up next to his ear, I held his face and smiled even more when he tried to fight back against the restraints and the rope tied around his mouth.

"You know I love hearing you groan, it's such a turn on." I whispered and kissed the side of his neck, watching him squirm underneath me. "And seeing the blood pour out of your body like fucking cum from the sluts on the corner, it's disgusting."

The man trashed against me, but with my body weight straddling him, I held him close to me. "Don't cry." I hushed, wiping the blood across his face. "Or I'll give you a fucking reason to cry."

In the morning, I wasn't ready to face Giovanni who's still at the house. His parents already uninvolved in his life, he wasn't lying. And I thought they were nice. So instead I went to the bar and saw Matthew already preparing a strong shot.

"You look like you need it." He said handing me a shot of his finest and a beer. I smiled at him and quickly tipped back the shot and opened the beer.

We don't talk about it. Something I learned really fast is one of our worst enemies in this world, is our mouths. What you say, even the slightest bit of information, can be used against you.

No wonder they put in place those Miranda rights or whatever it's called. Looking down at my phone, I saw someone was calling me.

"Hello?" I answered looking outside and saw it was actually pretty empty today, except for the usual drunks. Looking down at my clothes, they were different than the ones I left the house in. It was the usual white Henley long sleeve shirt and some grey sweats and my converse. The clothes I wore last night are burned.

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