Chapter 30

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He drove and drove. It's so weird how he was just so silent. But I didn't want to break the silence.

But I can feel my old habits resurface. "When I was little," I started and looked at the road in front of me, "my father would just like to look at the tv. He would just stare. I remember walking in on him and asking if he wanted me to turn it on. Instead, he told me to come sit next to him while my mom and sister cooked dinner in the kitchen."

I stopped and tried to think of what I was even thinking in the moment. How sweet it was back then. Even if he did hit me when he got angry or when I did something "bad", he still loved me. He was still there for me.

Shaking the thought, I cleared my throat. "Sexist, I know. But I would just sit there with him so confused. But he used to hit me, so I just sat there, all quiet. He put his hand on my head, I remember trying to hard not to flinch or shake. But he told me that sometimes it's good to just sit and think. That to always be up and going can lead to you not living in the moment."

I remained sitting with my feet on the dash board and the windows down. Here, they drove differently than the United States. But I'm not big on driving, so what do I know.

"Derek became a father figure after everything happened in my past." Jacob said as he pulled out a pack of cigarettes. I grabbed the pack and lit the cig between his lips before pulling one out for me. "A shitty one, but he was one. He hated that I was gay, but he exploited it. He used to do messed up shit to me and I always used to tell myself that I'd get my revenge one day. And I did."

He fell silent as he released the smoke, a cloud around his face. "I thought I killed him. I made sure to kill him the only way I knew how. I made sure to seduce him. When I had him seduced, I stabbed him multiple times."

"How did he survive?"

"Hell if I know. I thought I killed him, but I was also dumb back then. I didn't know how to dismember a body or do any of that shit." Jacob said with a shrug. I nodded my head and looked back out the window.

"I miss them, you know?" I whispered my arm dangling out the window. It felt weird having the wind flow against my arm. It's been so long since I've been on a drive. "I miss having this wall. I miss having people to protect or depend on me."

Jacob nodded his head, looking over at me. "I guess you never were one for silence then?"

I laughed and shook my head. "I used to get beat for my loud mouth and never once did I really take in the lesson. My dad practically hated how much I talked. Then when he found out I was gay," I took a drag from the cig, "he would beat me even more."

"How did he find out?" Jacob asked taking a left turn. I sighed and tried to think back to the day. God, how old was I?

"I think I was like 13? 12? I don't know. But my friend, Francis, was over." I sighed and laughed at the memory of how cute he was. "We were studying. Then he turned towards me and kissed me. I've been crushing on this kid for ages, so I gave him a blow job. Then my dad walked in."

"No." Jacob said turning towards me. I nodded my head and leaned back against the seat. He had such a cute smile on his face as he listened to me talk.

"Yep, I almost bit the kids dick off. Dad kicked him out and took off his belt. I showed up to school next day so messed up, people didn't really recognize me. Then that's when I decided I'm going to join a gang." I said nodding my head and remembered how embarrassed Francis. It was the classic story where he ignored me. I was beat for nothing.

Jacob laughed and took a hit before shaking his head, laughing again. He's so fucking hot.

"I think I realized when I was a good 7 or 8 years old. My dads business friend was over at the house and I was so attracted to him. He was nice to me and would always run his hand through my hair and kiss me." Jacob said shrugging. "I think I really loved him."

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