Chapter 22

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I'm so excited to see how y'all are gonna react!! Buckle up!! And enjoy the ride, hehehe

Sitting on the steps outside Elvis's house, I waited for Jacob's car to come around. It's so humiliating having to come to him, but I don't want to go to any of the guys and Jacob, I feel like he'll understand.

Pulling out a cigarette, I lit it and watched as the smoke got lost in the air. I can hear everyone laughing inside the house and never felt more alone or isolated. I feel like some guard dog who's left outside, not really part of the family.

A black Rolls Royce Phantom pulled up in front of me and Jacob rolled down the passenger window. He was driving?

Oh my god this car is fucking gorgeous. It's custom made!

"You drive? And this car?" I asked with a smile and slung my bag over my shoulder. Jacob shrugged his shoulders.

"One has to know how to drive in this world." He said, smiling as well, rolling my eyes, I sat in the passenger seat and turned to him. This car is so amazing, the interior! I'm going to fall in love.

But I have to keep cool.

"So where are we going?" I asked looking over his outfit. He was dressed in a dark purple button up shirt that had a white floral design and designer slacks, he looked ready to party.

"A party, its more of a social thing than formal, but we still have to get you an outfit to wear." Jacob said turning up the music and looked over at me. "Just relax, you're in my hands tonight."

Rolling my eyes, I laid back against the seat and put my bag on my feet since its too much of a beautiful car to possibly mess up. With my arm against the window, I couldn't help but take in the sight of the city.

We were heading towards downtown, with the sky scrapers reaching towards infinity. We finally pulled into Jacob's apartment and stepped out. With a hand on my back, he guided me inside and towards his closet.

In there were the suits he bought me and a few other outfits. "When did you get this, creep?"

Jacob laugh and pulled out a few items before throwing them towards me. "Put these on."

He totally avoided the question. Rolling my eyes, I went into the bathroom and put on the simple white colored Louis Vuitton shirt.

Pulling out the next item, I was black and white plaid slacks, the label on the back said Gucci

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Pulling out the next item, I was black and white plaid slacks, the label on the back said Gucci. Rolling my eyes again, I shook my head and how willing Jacob was to spend so much money on me.

I stepped outside and watched as Jacob nodded his head, gesturing for me to turn around. "You didn't have to me buy this stuff."

"And for you to wear the same fucking black Henley long sleeve shirt and black jeans? I don't think so." He said, his voice getting high. I couldn't help but laugh at how ridiculous his statement was.

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