Chapter 4

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"We should go to the mall today!" Giovanni said early in the morning as he straddled me. I looked into his beautiful hazel eyes and couldn't help but nod my head.

"Sure." A small smile formed on my lips. Giovanni squealed bending down to kiss me. "We need to fuck before we go."

Giovanni blushed and rolled his eyes. "Fine, just be gentle, okay?"

With a smirk, I flipped us over, quickly taking off my shirt and pants. Gio did the same but was struggling with his pants.

Without hesitation, I kissed his lips and moved my way down from his lips to his jaw, loving how defined it is. He moaned as I marked him as mine, leaving marks all across his body.

Coming down to his nipples, I bit on it, surprised at how he moaned out loud. With a chuckle I looked back up at him.

"Quiet, there's people in the house." I said with a smirk. Gio blushed, his face lewd.

"Sh-shut up!" Gio said in a quiet voice. I began to unbuckle his pants and gently pulled it down, teasing him. "Just just just do it already!"

"Beggars can't be choosers." I said biting down on the skin above his cock. Giovanni hissed, his hands finding a way into my hair, grabbing it.

I enjoyed the view of him getting pleasured by me. He's so beautiful.

I stripped him of his pants and kissed the skin around his shaft, making him squirm. A laugh escape my lips causing the grip in my hair to tighten. Without wasting time, I took him whole causing him to moan, almost scream.

He's so sensitive.

I used one hand to pin his hips down onto the bed and the other to play with his balls. My tongue licked every inch and I kissed the head.

Giovanni moaned, practically grinding into my mouth. I felt his grip get tighter as he felt me suck him harder. I pulled away before he could release causing Gio to whine.

I went over to my nightstand, grabbing a condom and slipped it on my shaft. Gio was about to pleasure himself when I resumed. I climbed on top of him, making sure to grab onto his wrist, keeping them from messing up what I was doing.

I grabbed the lub and squirted some onto my hand, preparing Giovanni's asshole. Using my fingers, I made sure to be gentle like he asked.

Giovanni groaned from all the pleasure he was receiving. When he was ready as he could be, I positioned myself and slowly inserted my cock into him.

Gio gripped the sheets around him, his mouth wide as he moaned out loud and his eyes shut. My hands were hard against his hips, likely to form a bruise later. My mind was too preoccupied to truly care.

Once I was in enough, my patience was running out. Gio moaning out my name only served as ammunition to go faster. I got into a rhythm and started to go faster and faster, enjoying how tight he truly was. Gio began to cry, tears coming down his face he felt a mixture of pleasure and pain.

I couldn't help but want to see more. I wanted him to feel pain and pleasure. I wanted him to call out my name. I wanted him to only think of me right now. I wanted him to rely on me for his pleasure, not another man.

These thoughts only made me want to continue.

I felt a sting along my back as his nails dug into me, his legs wrapped around my waist, giving more access. I knew I hit his prostate when he couldn't form my name anymore in his lips.

Before he could scream and alert Acendro or Cecilia, I took his lips into my mouth, loving how swollen and wet with salvia they were.

I felt myself getting towards my peak, Gio clenched onto my back as he released all over us, I followed shortly after.

Feeling a familiar sense of satisfaction, I wanted more. But looking down, Giovanni was close to falling asleep. With a sigh, I pulled myself out of him and discarded the used condom.

"Do you still want to go to the mall?" I asked turning over to him with a smile. Giovanni was fasten asleep. With a sigh, I carried him to the bathroom, knowing that Acendro and Cecilia were in Cecilia's room with the door closed.

I gently laid Gio inside the bathtub and turned on the water to be warm. He squirmed, reminding me of a few minutes ago, and whispered my name. With a sigh, I kissed his forehead and filled the sponge with soap.

His body was full of his own cum and sweat. I couldn't help but fall more in love with him just by looking at him. After cleaning him, I cleaned myself and wrapped a towel around my waist before wrapping the towel around Gio's body.

Before I carried him to my room, I quickly changed the sheets and discarded the old ones inside my laundry basket. I made my way back into the bathroom and easily carried him to my room only to be stopped by Elvis.

With a smile, he looked up at me with understanding and shook his head.

"I don't even wanna ask." He said heading to Cecilia's room. I put Gio down on the bed and pulled one of my only hoodies over his head to cover his body and a pair of my boxers which were too big on him.

I pulled on a tight white long sleeve shirt, slid on my arm sleeves underneath, and pulled on a pair of black sweats. Laying down next to Gio, I turned in the TV and waited for him to wake up.

It was about 3pm when Giovanni woke up and looked up at me. I smiled down at him and kissed his lips.

"Hey." He whispered looking around. "I guess I fell asleep after we were done."

I nodded my head and went to my dresser to pull out the smallest pair of grey sweats I had. In case he got hot , I pulled out one of my white tank tops and handed them to him.

"Your clothes are dirty. They're in the wash." I said handed him the clothes. "It was hard to dress you without waking you up."

"I'm sorry." He said with a blush on his cheeks. "I didn't mean to get so tired. I wanted to last longer, I know you don't get off on the first round."

With a smile, I walked over him and gently kissed his lips. "You're enough, don't worry. Besides-"

Giovanni gulped as I leaned close to his ear. "Wh-what?"

"I can come back to collect later tonight." I said licking the edge of his ear. Giovanni shuttered and let out a slight moan.

"Stop that!" He said shaking his head with a giggle and loving eyes. "We need to go to the mall."

I groaned and pushed myself away from him. He's so cute I can't stand him.

"Let's go, you're driving."


Hey guys!!

I hoped y'all liked this chapter. Update on life in quarantine for future me and people who read this book:

-my dog got high because of my sister leaving her stash out
-I cleaned my car and it's so fresh!!



Love y'all and stay safe.

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