Chapter 11

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Eating at the kitchen table never felt more awkward in my life. And I've one time had to eat at the dinner table when a girls father caught us together and made me stay for dinner.

That was less awkward than this.

Looking over at Giovanni, I saw he was just eating his breakfast in silence, keeping his eyes on his food.

I mean, I can't blame him. I did just tell him that I kill people for a fucking living.

"Gio, baby, talk to me." I whispered. He looked up at me and nodded his head.

"I don't get how you can love me and kill other people, like it just, it doesn't make sense." He said shaking his head and sitting back in his seat. "I don't get how you can have that capability and still love me like the way you've been doing."

I nodded my head and looked up at him. "It's because I want to protect my family. I don't know what to tell you that'll make things go back to the way they were."

With a sigh, I stood up and grabbed a beer from the fridge, needing to cool down. Gio stood up and grabbed the beer from my hand, setting it aside.

"Stop, don't do that!" Gio exclaimed, wrapping his arms around my waist. With a sigh, I leaned against the counter and brought him close to my chest, leaning my head against his head.

"I'm sorry, baby." I whispered. Giovanni hummed and rubbed my back.

"We can go on a date?" Gio offered, looking up at me, which wasn't that far of a distance.

"Where to?" I asked with a smile.

Stepping out of Giovanni's car, because who else would drive, was weird. I'm confused why he took us to an aquarium. Not that it's not cool, I've just never been interested in things like this.

My phone vibrated, pulling it out, I saw it was Alex.

'Tonight we need you at 1am.' - Alex.

Why so specific?

Leaving the message on read, I turned off my phone and grabbed Giovanni's hand, feeling his slight flinch. But he held onto my hand tighter.

"Which exhibit should be go first?" He asked looking over at me with a timid smile. He's still scared, shrugging my shoulders, he nodded his head.

"I've never been to the aquarium." I admitted watching as the people around us gave us looks for holding hands.

"You've never!" Gio exclaimed, getting more attention. I laughed and rolled my eyes at him. 

"You don't really have time for that stuff when you join a gang and try to work your way up." I admitted honestly. "And my parents hated my sister and I from the second we came out of the womb. I'm surprised they had another kid after me."

"I remember your dad." Giovanni whispered looking down. "Mine just always wanted me to be happy, but they didn't know how to do that. They always thought buying me stuff would make me happy, it did for a while."

"Really?" I asked as we headed over the jelly fishes.

"Yeah, they were never there. So I basically raised myself in the house." Giovanni said shaking his head. "Then my biological mom passed away and I don't think I've ever seen my dad so sad. That only made him not want to see me more, since I look more like my mom. But him and my step mom, as you know, try to keep me happy. But those first few years were lonely, just really lonely."

"And siblings?"

"My parents worked hard to get me, they had like four miscarries before me and after they had one still born baby. I guess they took it as a sign from god not to try again. But then I guess I was a reminder of all the pain or something because they just never wanted to spend time with me."

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