Chapter 10

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*writing this chapter made me laugh for some reason, but enjoy...*

Laying in bed, I didn't want to get up. I didn't want to do anything.

Sometimes I just get reminded of how much of a monster I am. It isn't fair. I should be loved.

The door to my door quietly opened, my blinds were shut and the sound of the plate Cecilia left out my door scrapped against the floor. I heard a sigh and the bed dip beside me.

I knew it was Giovanni before he even had a chance to open his mouth. His intoxicated smell just made me want to hold him forever.

But I'm dangerous for him, too dangerous. He shouldn't be with me, he doesn't know what he's getting into.

Still drunk from last night, my head rang as he whispered into my ear. "Hey baby."

Not responding, I lied in bed and wanted to disappear.

Instead of leading, I heard Giovanni kick off his shoes and lay down beside me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my back, sparks erupted through me.

"I'm here for you baby." He whispered, leaning his head on my back. I felt my breathing match up with his as he held me.

Laying here.

Wrapped up in his arms.

I couldn't help but cry.

A deep, loud, painful sob erupted from me.

Why am I crying?

I felt my body curl into a ball, his arms holding me tight and to his body. It felt like he was wrapping himself around me, the only thing keeping me from breaking apart.

His leg came in between mine and his head laid on the crook of my neck.

"I got you, I got you." He whispered kissing my neck. I couldn't help, but cry even more.

I couldn't help, but become completely defenseless around him. I couldn't help, but let the walls around me just fall.

Giovanni shushed me and rocked my body gently. Louder cries came out my mouth as I realized the fear that I could lose him.

He'd leave me if he found out.

And if he found out that somebody like Jacob is interested in me.

And the realization that I have to keep Giovanni's relationship with me a secret because then Jacob may find out and add him to the list of people I'm close to and make him the priority way of hurting me.

Oh my god.

What have I gotten myself into?

"What's wrong?" He asked kissing me again, comforting me. "You can tell me anything."

I shook my head and cried even more. "It's too bad. You-you can't know."

"You can tell me anything, I'll always stand by your side." He whispered in my ear and swept my hair out of my face. I cried even harder and shook my head.

Elvis was able to take it, but will Giovanni be able to?

Shaking my head, I tried to calm my breathing. Turning around, Giovanni was inches from my face.

"It's bad." I whispered closing my eyes, Gio cupped my face into the palm of his hand, I felt myself sink into him.

"You can tell me. I love you." He admitted. Opening my eyes, I looked into his hazel orbs and nodded my head.

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