Chapter 24

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"Run! Run Roger!" Jacob yelled into my ear through the phone. Turning back around, I saw all the men following me. This panic rose in my chest.

And I just wanted to get some fresh avocado and Puerto Rican bread from the store.

I should have stayed inside.

"Jacob-" I don't know what to say. I love you? Well I don't know that. "Come find me."

"I'll come find you, no matter how far they take you, I'll find you." Jacob said. I took those words into my heart and threw my phone against the wall, shattering it so nobody could access what's inside. 

Pulling out my gun, I shot one of the men in his head. They were coming closer and closer. I turned around and began to just shoot. One of the men tackled me before I could turn back around. With a groan, I hit the floor, only to pull out my pocket knife.

There were about ten men surrounding me, I took out twenty. Ten more to go.

Banging my head against the front of his, the man let go of me. Quickly I turned around and shot him, his body falling limp on top of me. I quickly stood up and shot one of the men that was coming towards me.

I'm wanted alive, these men aren't going to kill me. They aren't going to hurt me, just yet. Pulling out my knife, I shot one of the men that were further away and stabbed the one that was in front of me in the neck.

They both fell to the floor.

Without warning, someone wrapped their arms around me and one hand over my mouth. There was a cloth in his hand and I instantly blacked out.

I was so close.

I had only a few more guys to go.



Come find me.

Waking up for what feels like the third time today, I rolled over and groaned when I couldn't see anything. And when I could move.

With a sigh, I waited. It's cold. It's dark. I'm alone. There weren't any groans or moans around me, so I'm probably not being auctioned off. Then what am I doing here?

I think they're either going to try and get me to work for them, use me to get revenge on Jacob, or just kill me.

Honestly, not to toot my own horn, I have a feeling they're going to try and get me to work for them. The sound of doors slamming open made me try and stay alert.

"This is him?" A familiar voice asked in what seemed like a German accent. Too familiar.

"Yes, sir." Another man replied, grabbing me by my hair and threw me to the feet of the man. I groaned when my head collided onto the ground.

The man took off the blindfold, his hands full of callouses and scars. They were rough. The grabbed my hair and forced me to look up at him.

Out of nowhere, another man grabs my arm and inserts a needle into me. "What?"

"Shh, you'll be fine baby." He whispered. "Im sorry you had to get involved."

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