Chapter 18

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For titles I'm stuck between:
Blindsided by Him

What do y'all think?? Any other suggestions??


It felt foreign walking into the auto car shop and having my uniform. It's been almost a week since I last worked or since I asked to be scheduled. And now it's almost time for me to clock in at 9.

John gave me a smile in the locker room and shook his head. "What have you been up to?"

He already knew I was in a gang and had to take care of my family. "Nothing much."

He nodded and handed me a rag. "Well, these cars and bikes aren't gonna fix themselves."

I wiped off the sweat from working on such a hot day and heard someone clear their throat. Coming out from under the car, I saw Giovanni holding a bag of Chick fil a and what I'm hoping is coffee.


"He's waiting for me in the car." Giovanni answered with a hint of annoyance before I could ask. I smiled and looked over at John who gave me a dismissive gesture. With that, we walked to the break room and I showed him to the table.

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you and Elvis be in your classes?" I asked confused, but took the bag of food anyways and devoured what's inside.

"Well, Elvis didn't want to go today, so be dropped off Cecilia and Acendro. And I have class, but this is my two hour break. Then I have classes until 4, then I'm done." Giovanni explained taking a fry. I smiled at him and shook my head.

"Elvis should be in school." I said, knowing I can't control him. Giovanni gave me the same look as if was thinking what I was thinking.

"Yeah, have fun telling him." He said laughing. We talked for what felt like ages until my 30 minute break was up. Gio was going in for the hug until he realized how greasy and sweaty I was.

"Take a shower before you come home." Gio said in a gentle voice. I smiled and gave him a peck.

"You said home." I pointed out with a smile. Gio looked down shyly and nodded his head.

"Home." He whispered. I walked out of the break room and walked Giovanni to Elvis's car.

"Get home safe and Elvis go to class." I said rolling my eyes and closed Gio's door for him. Elvis rolled his eyes and drove off. With a sigh, I turned back around and walked inside.

Axel was there drinking a soda as he worked on someone's car. Time flies by as we worked on the car and I didn't feel like going back to the house just yet.

"Want to go out drinking?" Axel asked as we clocked out. I pulled out my phone and texted Gio I'll be home late.

"Sure." I said putting my phone away. "But I need to change."

"You can change at my place. And shower, I don't wanna go out stinking." Axel said with a laugh, his blue eyes disappearing into his eyes as he smiled. Rolling my eyes I grabbed everything that was in my locker and closed it.

"Did you drive here?" I asked as we walked outside and waved goodbye to John.

"Yeah. For a man who works at a car repair shop, don't you think you should have a car?" Axel asked with a laugh, not being judgmental but a genuine question.

"I know how to drive." I said with a shrug. "I just never got around to buying a car."

"So you take public transit?" Axel asked turning on the car radio to regatón. Nodding my head, I fell quiet and texted Giovanni.

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