Wrap Ups

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Don't forget to check out my new book: Stained Pearl


So did y'all enjoy claimed by him??

Were y'all blindsided by the ending??

Okay, now questions:

Wesley?: she went to live with her grandma.

Daniel (the dog): he wasn't a big part of Roger's life since he's scared of dogs. But the dog lived on the streets to begin with and was sort of a guardian angel for Acendro. He would sometimes stay with Elvis.

Book 3?: No this is the end of this series of Acendro, Cecilia, Elvis, Giovanni, Roger, and Jacob.

Jacob's last name?: he didn't have one that stuck. It's more mysterious that way

Why have Roger end up with Jacob?: Honestly recently the quote "people accept the love they think they deserve" has been in my head from Perks of Being a Wallflower. So Roger is accepting the love he thinks he deserves. The table scene mainly outlines this, he feels like he doesn't deserve a seat at the table, etc.

I can write a more detailed explanation if you guys want.

And I have a few questions for you guys since y'all have followed me through all this, just answer in the comments:

-Should I go back and add in quotes like I did with Preppy and the Tramp?

-Would y'all be interested in those one shot competitions? It can be anyway you guys want it, I can publish it here. (Like more than one, so not really a competition, just something to do quarantined I guess?) if you're interested you can just send me them like privately so I can publish them

That's about it! Let me know if you guys have any more questions or like comments, I don't know honestly.

Claimed by Him (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now