Chapter 21

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Giovanni pushed himself away from me, breaking away from his arms. He was shaking and I instantly wanted to hug him again, regretting the words that came out of my mouth.

"To set you free." I whispered, tears threatening to come out. "I don't want to, I can't, be the one who holds you back. I can get you help, but I think we should break up."

As I tried to step closer to him, Giovanni shook his head and held his hands out, frozen. "Don't."


"Don't!" Gio screamed, looking up at me with such hatred and betrayal. "Please don't come towards me."

He was trembling, as if he was scared. Scared, of me? Stepping closer to him, he flinched and tried to catch himself.

He's scared of me.

The one person I didn't want to be scared of me, is. He's terrified. He's shaking. Oh my god, what is he thinking?

"Look Gio-" I whispered. Gio covered his sob with his hands and shook his head.

"Please don't come near me." He whispered, falling to the floor when I tried to hug him, comfort him. Slowly, I stepped away from him. He looks like a little kid ducking, trying to get away from his abusive father.

He looks like me.

Trying to get away from his abusive father.

"I am so sorry Gio, I didn't mean to hurt you. I didn't mean what I said-"

"Yes." Giovanni cried out. "Yes you did or you wouldn't have said it. Admit it! You think I'm better off without you."

"You are!" I cried, not knowing what he wanted to do or wanted me to say. "If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't be like this. I'm toxic to you-"

"I love you, Roger." Gio cried, slowly getting up. "Even if it scares me to death to be next to you. But without you? It makes me think I'm going to die."

I sighed and leaned against the door. "Then what do you want me to do, Gio? What? Tell me what you need me to do to make you feel better." I asked shrugging. "Because as of right now, seeing how much you've changed, I think we should break up."

"Why?" He cried pulling his hair away from his face. "Because you don't want to be responsible for me? Because you don't love me anymore?"

"No! Because look at you!" I yelled running my hands through my hair. "You're not yourself! You're scared! You're paranoid!"

"Because you kill people for a living! You live this dangerous life!" Gio screamed. "I can't protect you!"

"You don't need to protect me! I can protect myself!" No I can't.

"But I want to! I need to protect you! I hate that I'm left here fucking defenseless!" Gio screamed, struggling to stand up from him shaking so bad.

"That's exactly what I'm saying! Look at you, Gio, look down at your legs, look at you! I'm responsible for turning you into this person!" I yelled back, not know what the fuck he needed me to do. "We have to break up!"

"Then what?" Gio asked shaking his head. "Just stop loving you?"

"It's for the best Giovanni." I said wiping away my tears. He's all that matters to me and I'm letting him go. "It's not right. You can't accept me or what I do and I don't want you to. You shouldn't have to."

"But I want." Gio whispered. "I want to love you and I want to be loved by you, is that so wrong?"

"Yes! Because I'm turning you into a person you shouldn't have to be! You said so yourself. You know it." I said, knowing it's my fault. He knows it too.

"I'm sorry for what I said before, I'm sorry, okay? It's not your fault." Gio said, begging me. "Just please, please don't leave me."

I stepped closer to him. My heart breaking when he flinched. "I have-"

Gio cried and shook his head. "No we don't. We don't have to Roger."

"Be honest with yourself, completely honest." I said, my voice cracking. "Are you scared of me?"

Giovanni looked into my eyes, his mouth opening and closing as he tried to think of something to say. But I knew it before he even needed to open his mouth.

"I mean, what else could I have expected?" I asked myself and stepped away from Gio. "You're welcomed to stay here as long as you need and Elvis will get you the help you need. I'll stay with someone else. Goodbye, Giovanni."

"Wait," Gio said as I turned towards the door, the sound of his sobs breaking my heart, "I can change."

I shook my head and turned back around. "You're perfect just the way you are. You're free willed and adventurous, romantic and smart. Never change just because of fear, please."

I walked into the house and closed the door behind me. Elvis looked over at me from the table. "You okay?"

Shaking my head, I came into his open arms and felt myself cry. "Shit."

"It's okay, you did the right thing." He said rubbing my back. I grabbed onto his shirt and dug my head into his neck. "You let him go. You set him free."

"Then why do I feel like this?" I asked, crying, my body rocking as I slowly began to loose my footing. Elvis grabbed onto my waist, keeping me from falling. "Why do I feel so lost?"

"It's going to be alright." Elvis whispered, holding me tight, keeping me from falling apart.

"Thank you." I said after I was done crying. "For everything."

"Anything for you mama." Elvis said ruffling my hair. "Where are you going to stay?"

Looking down at my phone, I texted Matthew. "Matthew or Axel. I'll figure it out. Giovanni needs some support before going back to his normal life."

"Support from his ex boyfriends sister and best friend?" Elvis asked, shaking his head. "Giovanni will be fine, I'll watch over him. Go deal with whatever you need to deal with. Everything will be just fine."

"I hope you're right." I whispered, feeling a familiar heaviness in my chest.

Please stay toned for the story, even if it isn't going how you'd expect it. I worked really hard, I hope you guys are ready for the ride!!

And comment how you feel or what surprised you!

Ps: I was in my feels writing this.


I went bike riding today and painted but I honestly don't know how I feel about the painting. But I watched the TV series Looking for Alaska, based off the book and it was soo good. I also finished watching Outer banks and Never Have I Ever.

So if y'all have any show suggestions, please I'm all ears.

But I don't know, watching looking for Alaska, they asked "what is the most important question humans must answer?" What do y'all think??

I'm still thinking about my answer.


I love y'all and stay safe.

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