Chapter 9

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I finished up working and looked around, finally noticing just how empty the shop was. Putting my hands in my pockets, I felt the security of my favorite pocket knife. It's the one Cecilia loves to steal and throw at me when I get her angry.

The sound of something crashing caused me to take action, quickly running towards the side exit. It was locked, unsurprisingly. With a sigh, I turned around and knew I'd had to take this face on.

"Who's there?" I asked not showing fear. Jacob came out with a sly smirk.

"Don't be so surprised to see me." He said coming closer, his body guards closely behind him. What's he doing here?

"You could have called me." I admitted walking towards him. "Where is everyone?"

His eyes glistened with a hint of amusement. "I sent them home early, don't worry about them."

Rolling my eyes, I handed him a stool and sat down across from him. "What's up?"

"I have another job for you!" He said gesturing for one of his guards. "This time, we already have him, we just want information from him."

"Aren't there more skilled people for this?" I asked confused. "Like don't your guys know how to torture somebody?"

They should if they're in this world.

Jacob stood up and walked towards me, walking behind me. With his hands on my shoulders and his head near my ear, he whispered, "let's just say you interest me."

His hands traveled down my chest before he stepped away. With a glare I looked up at him.

"Don't look at me like that." He said siting back down and handed me my phone. "Call who you need, we'll be back by tomorrow night if all goes well."

With a sigh, I took my phone and walked out of their earshot, quickly dialing Ryan.

"What's up, boss?" He asked with a laugh as somebody told him a joke.

"I need you to house sit, I told Elvis to take the dumb duo when I'm gone, but I need you to keep watch of them. And I need somebody to watch Gio, but discretely, please." Ryan is someone I can trust with my sister since he likes her.

And Gio, I just want him to be safe.

"Of course boss! I'll be right on it. When will you be back from your business?" Ryan asked, not knowing the details.

"Soon. I'll call you when I'm back." I said hanging up the phone and headed back towards Jacob. "Why are you here, personally? Isn't it dangerous?"

This isn't the most secure place out here. Jacob shrugged his shoulders and gestured for me to follow them out.

"I told you already." He said with a smirk before turning away. If only I can take a shower.

Or just say goodbye.

"Are you hungry?" He asked looking over at me. I turned towards him and shrugged my shoulders, going back to looking out the windows. "Chick fil a, Kol."

The man driving nodded his head and took the nearest exit off the high way. With a sigh, I pulled out some cash but a small string made me pull away when I felt a knife cut through my thumb. Abruptly looking up, I saw Jacob smile at me as if he was innocent.

"I can pay for your dumb food." He said shaking his head. "What do you want to eat?"

"You couldn't have just told me?" I asked shaking my head and leaning back into my seat. Jacob put his hand on my thumb, pulling out a bandaid and patched it up.

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