Chapter 17

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I think I wanna change the title...any ideas?? Or should I leave it??

Finally the event was starting to pick up. People were on the dance floor and dancing. I looked over to Jacob and saw he was just there.

Looking fine, but that's not the point.

"Are we allowed to dance?" I asked, bored out of my fucking mind since I couldn't even be on my phone. I feel like a little kid or something. "Or have fun or are we supposed to just sit and sulk?"

Jacob looked over at me surprised. "You want to have fun? I thought you hated me."

"I like you just as much as you like me." I said rolling my eyes. As much as he's attracted to me, I have a feeling he doesn't necessarily like me.

"That's where you're wrong, I like you very much." Jacob said gesturing towards the dance floor. "Let's go."

"The big bad man wants to have fun?" I teased rolling my eyes, not believing he'd actually go out and dance. Jacob scuffed and stood up.

"I said let's go." He said, it's weird getting used to his deep voice. With a smirk I stood up and followed him to the dance floor.

"Do you even know how to dance this?" I asked, a smile coming out. It was bachata aka my specialty.

"Of course." He said, his hands going around my neck. I put my hands around his waist, pulling him into me. "Usually the taller person puts their hands on the waist, but I'll let you have this one."

"As if you could resist being the bottom." I whispered into his ear and felt him put his legs in between mine, closing the distance between us as we danced across the dance floor.

All eyes were on us and I couldn't help but relish in the attention. One of Jacobs hands held my by the back of my neck and slightly gripped onto my hair.

With my head next to his, I could hear his slight breathing as we danced, his hips practically one with mine as we moved in sync. His hips were moving pretty loose for a white guy.

"Where did you learn to dance?" I whispered in his ear. The lights were dimmed around us and it felt like we were the only ones in this room as we showed off.

"Why are you suddenly so interested in my life?" Jacob replied, a slight laugh coming out when he caught someone's attention. "Put your hands lower."


"Now." He said. I slightly groaned, but slide my hands down to the small of his back. He hummed the song into my ear and closed his eyes.

I spun him and was surprised when he switched roles on us, making me put my hands on his neck.

"I hate you so much." I said as we parted away from each other and spun, coming back towards each other. He laughed into my ear, a genuine laugh, before putting his hands on my ass.

"You look nice in this suit." Jacob said looking into my eyes. His green eyes were practically hypnotizing. The slow part of the song came on and he guided me impossibly close to him.

It was humiliating to be controlled by him, but at the same time attractive. He forced me to be the one to move my hips and kissed my neck in front of everyone here. He was sending the message that nobody can touch me.

My breath got caught in my throat when he looked at my lips and my eyes. It was like all I could hear was my beating heart. We were so close, I can feel his warm breath hitting my face.

Out of nowhere, bullets rang throughout the building. Everyone instantaneously dropped to the floor. Using my body to protect Jacob, we dropped to the floor. He grabbed onto my wrist and guided us away from the center of the dance floor. We took a corner of the wall and witnessed men enter with a guns.

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