Chapter 13

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Giovanni screamed.

Quickly I put him under me as I searched for danger around the room. When there wasn't any, Giovanni held onto my back, his head buried in my neck.

"What's wrong?" I asked staying still, his body shaking as he stayed behind me. Giovanni cried into the crook of my neck, his shaking getting more and more obvious. "Baby, everything is okay."

The blinds were closed, making the room dark, but it was probably one in the evening. Giovanni held onto my shoulders, his grip so tight and sweaty.

"Let's take a shower." I said feeling his grip loosen up as he realized there was no danger. Turning around in the bed, I took him into my arms and watched as he completely wrapped his body around mine, not letting go.

He sobbed into my chest like a little kid and gripped onto me so tight as he if didn't want to let go.

"It's okay, we're okay. I'm here." I said wrapped my arms around his waist. Giovanni nodded his head and pulled away. "Let's go take a shower and then eat something, are you hungry?"

Gio nodded, still quiet.

I nodded my head and got off the bed, Giovanni looked up at me, the fear still evident in his eyes. With a sigh, I walked over to the blinds and opened them. "We're safe, we're at Elvis's house."

He nodded his head and watched as I walked back over to him. "D-did you kill them?" His voice was so soft and gentle.

"I had to." I whispered. 

"So they're not coming back?" He asked on the verge of tears. I shook my head. Giovanni nodded his head before slowly getting up from the bed. He didn't make it far before tripping. Within seconds, he was in my arms and I held onto him. 

"I got you." I whispered. Giovanni nodded his head and held onto me as we walked to the bathroom, his head in my chest.

"I-I don't have clothes." He whispered. Kissing his forehead, I opened the door to the bathroom.

"I'll get you clothes." I said having him sit down on the toilet as I turned on the shower. He sat there, still traumatized. I wanted to ask him what happened, but first things first. "Come on."

Giovanni nodded, getting out of his head and closely took off his shirt. The marks that I left last night were still there. He blushed as he noticed them off, all over his stomach and legs. Little did he know they were on his neck too.

"Here." I said coming towards him, he held onto me as I took off his pants, he didn't have underwear on.

He sat back down on the toilet as I finished taking off his clothes. Taking mine off within seconds, you can see the blood of others on my body. It was disgusting. I have to clean my knives too. Taking off my arm sleeves, Gio's eyes stayed glued to my eyes.

I guided us to the shower and quickly cleaned him before having him sit in the filled bathtub. Then I cleaned myself and looked over at him to see his eyes still on me.

When I was done, I wrapped a towel around my waist. "I'm going to grab clothes from Elvis's room, are you going to be okay?"

Giovanni nodded his head, looking down before looking up at me with big eyes. "Please hurry."

I nodded my head and quickly walked to Elvis's room. It was empty, making it easy to quickly grab the essentials before going back inside the bathroom. Giovanni was shaking and was about to cry as I entered.

It's my fault.

Shaking the thought, I helped him off and dried him off before helping him put the clothes on him. It wasn't until I was drying him off that I noticed he was bleeding again. The long cut along his rib cage.

"What happened?" I demanded before seeing the scared look on his face and I cupped his cheek to wipe the tear away. "Baby, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to raise my voice. What happened?"

His gaze softened as he reached up and held onto my head. "It's nothing."

"You told me on the phone you didn't know who was there." I questioned as I got dressed and turned back to him. "What happened in the house?"

Giovanni looked up at me with tears rolling down his cheek. I sighed and helped him back to the room before kneeling down in front of him as he sat on the bed.

"I-I woke up and you weren't there. B-but that's normal, so I went to make breakfast when people s-started to shoot at the door. So I ran," he began to sob as he looked down at his hands which were holding mine and his grip tightened, "I ran to the room, locked the door, and ran to the bathroom."

I nodded my head and listened as he looked up at the ceiling.

"I hid inside the cabinet and called you, but I didn't realize I got grazed by one of the bullets. I-I just wanted to make you a nice breakfast for when y-you came home from a long night." Giovanni cried as I tried to wipe away his tears. "I was so scared."

I nodded my head and watched as he attacked me in a hug. "Please don't leave me."

"I won't." I promised. Not again.

After cleaning his wound, we walked downstairs. Giovanni was looking better to have the story off his chest. But I could tell he had more questions for me. Elvis was downstairs in the living room with Ryan, Acendro, and Cecilia.

Cecilia squealed and ran up to us. "It's been so long! Gio! Rog! You have to visit us more!"

I rolled my eyes, reverting back to my playful self in their presence. Acendro looked over at me and noticed Giovanni's appearance.

"What happened?" Acendro asked making room on the couch for us. The kids sat in the bing bags that were next to the couch. Elvis stood up and brought us over a plate of food for us to share, Ryan helped and brought over two coffees.

"Guys, I have something to tell you."


Hey guys! Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter!!


I did a zoom call with my lacrosse team and I miss them so much, the boys and the girls. Like we had one giant call and it was funny since it was supposed to be a girls call. But then all the guys started to join in and then there were only like 4 girls.

But the boys are funny and weird, they like to game and it's something I'm not really interested in. But it's just funny how weird they are.

One of my guy friends, the best friend of the guy I like and I found out he also used to like me, invited me to his birthday party when all this is over. Our birthdays are on the same week, so it should be pretty fun.

But hopefully this is all over by the end of June. 

And yeah, I worked on my final project and also read over one of my old books and it was going soo good, I have no idea why I stopped writing and unpublished it.

And now I can't think of what I was going to write. Maybe I'll pick it back up again.

Anyways!! Do you guys have a tik tok??

Love y'all and stay safe!!

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