Chapter 26

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I had a dream.

It was a nice dream.

I had my parents. Even if they can suck a toe because they're pieces of shit. But in the dream I had my family.

But of course it was a dream.

Laying in this cell with what feels like almost every part of me bleeding, I can't imagine getting out of here alive. The man killed my family, I have nothing left.

Except for Jacob. Right?

The words of the man rang in my ear that Jacob was just using me to keep me close to him. But all those wild adventures, they can't just not mean anything.


Yeah. I have to have hope.

The door slid open and I saw the mans eyes. I still never learned his name.

How will Jacob know to find me when the man who's at fault is the man he least expected?

"Why do you want to kill Jacob if you made him who he is?" I whispered, my voice raspy from the lack of water and screaming. The man grabbed a knife and dragged it across my chest. I hissed and closed my eyes, willing for the pain to go away.

"Because he killed me and everyone I love. Just like he killed everyone you-"

"Stop saying that!" I screamed trashing against the restraints. "Jacob isn't the man in front of me torturing me!"

"That's where you're wrong." The man said stabbing my arm. I cried and let my head fall as I tried to make myself go unconscious. How long have I been here?

"That's where you're wrong." I cried. "Jacob is here. He's probably killing every single fucking monster in this joint."

"You wish, cupcake." The man said his hand in my hair as he tipped my head back. "I told you what you needed to do."

"You killed every piece of leverage." I muttered, a lone tear running down my face as my chest drastically rose and fell, I can feel myself trying to get as much oxygen as I can before he strangled me again. "Who are you gonna kill next? My parents? Oh wait, I'd kill them for you if you really wanted me to. My gang? They've already gone into hiding. They'd die for me before they say any shit. Who else do I have? That circle,"

I can see it now. Jacob coming closer to me. "That circle you once said was so big, it's not. You ruined your chances of me killing Jacob."

"You really think so?" He asked with a smile, the knife to my neck. He whispered into my ear, "Then what good do you serve? Tell me why I shouldn't fucking kill you right now?"

I leaned my head back against the wall and smiled. "You fucking tell me. I'm crazy remember? I'm a murderer. But I'll tell you what, my master has taught me so many tricks."

"Really?" The man asked. I can feel Jacob coming closer to this room as he kills every person in this house. I need to keep the man distracted.

"I can show you." I said licking my lips. "If you really want me to. That's why you shouldn't kill me. I mean, unless you want to right? That's how this works. You're in complete and utter control."

The man hummed and stepped away from me. "You're crazy."

"I know." I said relaxing into the chains. "I have nothing left for me here, so do what you want."

The door banged open and his green emerald eyes met mind for a second before looking over at the man. "Derek."

"Jacob." The man, Derek said with a smile. "It's nice to see-"

Before he could continue, Jacob shot him in the chest, making the man fall to the ground. A few men followed Jacob into the room, taking Derek away from here.

I looked over at Jacob with an empty gaze, not really sure what to say or how to feel. He took in my bloody appearance and shook his head. It took him seconds to get me out of the chain and into his arms.

I let him hug me. "He killed them."

"Who?" Jacob asked, kissing my head. Finally, all the bottled up tears came out of my eyes and I held onto Jacob for dear life. Shaking my head, I cried onto his chest, my body so weak from the lack of food and water.

"He killed my family, everyone. Elvis, Acendro, Cecilia, everyone." I screamed and sobbed. Jacob was strong enough to hold me up. Of course he was, he's Jacob. He's my armor, my body guard, my boss. "I'm all alone."

Jacob wrapped his arms around my waist, holding me up, before carrying me in bridal style. I cried into his chest, the coldness of the room finally hitting my naked body as I leaned against his warm exterior.

"He killed Giovanni, everyone. Everyone I tried so hard to protect is gone. I'm all alone. There's nothing left for me anymore, nothing." I sobbed, everything and everyone around my turning into a giant hazed image. I could feel the oxygen ripping against my lungs as I tried to breathe. The pressure building up in my brain as I struggled to stay conscious.

It's like my body finally realized the immense amount of blood I've lost.

"I'm here. I'm not leaving you, Roger." Jacob whispered walking to what seemed like a car. I cried shaking my head. I can't believe they're dead. They're all dead.

It was like theres this pit in my stomach and I can't do anything to fix it. It's like there's this hand that has a hold over my heart and it's squeezing it. I've never felt this amount of pain before. Ever.

"Make the pain stop, please Jacob." I cried, Jacob nodded his head, allowing these people to take care of my wounds. "Make the pain just go away."

Jacob nodded his head and kissed my lips. I grabbed onto his hair, daring him to get away from me. Jacob pulled me towards him, not letting me go. It wasn't until now that I felt him shaking in my hands, shivering. From anger?

"You're not going anywhere. I'm not going to let anyone take you away from me. Not again." Jacob said, meeting my eyes. I nodded my head and felt myself slip in and out of consciousness until the pain was too much.

It's all too much.


Hey guys! I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter!!


I bought a guitar and my guardian is unaware of it. It's coming in five days and I'm so excited.

But yeah, do y'all play any instruments??


Nothing much has been happening, slept for about 14 hours and it felt amazing waking up. But then I went back to sleep, so I don't even know what's up anymore.

Thought today was Tuesday, but it's actually Wednesday. Maybe because of quarantine, but the days really do have a day of mushing all together.


Love y'all and stay safe!!!

5 more chapters left.

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