Chapter 28

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"Where are we?" I asked Kilson, who was feeding me some more oatmeal. I want to throw up just eating this shit, but it's whatever. Kilson looked over at me before smiling.

"We're in Germany." He answered coughing. "Jacob brought you here, knowing we were over here."

I was brought to Germany? They took my family from Chicago to Germany? Such a big risk, the money trails. For what?

It's been almost a week.

"Where's Jacob?" I asked after a few seconds of silently eating. The boy looked over at me again before back down at the food.

"I don't know." He whispered. It was only a few hours ago when I was struggling to shower. Pearson had to help me. He tried not to grimace when he saw my marked body.

I hadn't had enough strength to get up from the bed, so these past few days, Pearson has been scrubbing me with a towel. But I guess today is something different.

I remember feeling the heat of the water streaming through my hair.

"Jesus kid." Pearson muttered. I watched as the blood from my injuries and sweat go down the drain. It was hard to stand up, I didn't want to. I screamed as the memories of Derek's torture came through my mind like a train speeding through the city.

I screamed and trashed against Pearson's hold, trying to get away from the imaginary monster in my mind. My screams could be heard throughout the house, Kilson came in with a needle and it only took seconds for Pearson to put the needle into my arm.

The drug pumped through my veins as Pearson held onto my head with both of hands. He looked me in the eyes and told me I was in his house, in his hospital.

"Listen to me kid, you're all right. Jacob, remember Jacob. Think of Jacob. Think of what you love about him. Think of what you hate about him. Think of him. Let his smell enter your nose, let your memories of him enter your mind and take over, let the feelings you feel when you're with him enter you and cleanse you."

I cried as he held onto me for dear life, the water from the shower mixing with the tears from my eyes. I closed my eyes and thought about those moments when Jacob would give me a smile. I thought of the way his lips would curl into the most beautiful way. I thought of the way I felt when I was with him, secured and safe.

I felt protected for once in my life.

I thought of how it felt being in his arms when he kept me from falling apart.

I kept the image of us dancing in the clubs in my mind and I can practically hear the music in my ears. The smell of sweat and his rich cologne entered my nose.

Soon I felt my heart beat the same way it felt when we were dancing. I felt at peace. I felt calm when I was dancing with him.

I felt at home when I was with him.

Opening my eyes Pearson was staring back at me and helped me out of the shower. He wrapped the towel around my body and helped me onto the bed. He dried my numbed body with delicate hands. He put on loose sweats and laid me back onto the bed.

"Jacob is going to be here soon." He said as I drifted out of consciousness.

These days are starting to feel like weeks.

I just want to go home. Jacob, please hurry.

Laying in the same fucking bed, I saw Kilson looking at me through the window on the door. He gasped when I met his eyes and entered with a blushed face.

"Im sorry, I don't mean to be a creep, really." Kilson whispered. "I was just worried. You aren't as mean as daddy's other patients. Maybe it's because we're close in age, but yeah. Hi. Are you hungry? Thirsty? Need anything?"

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