Chapter 8

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Sitting in the coffee shop, I watched as Elvis walked in, scanning the cafe before catching my eye.

"What's up man?" He asked sitting down at the table across from me. I sighed and shook my head. It sucks having to do this to him, having to come to him in general.

"I need your help." I admitted looking down at my coffee cup. He reached across the table and put a hand on my shoulder, my gaze snapped up and saw he was smiling.

"You can trust me, we both want to protect our family." He honestly said and put his hand back on the table. "What is it?"

"The big bosses, mafia, want me to," I sighed and shook my head, "basically become their personal killer, like a dog that they can unleash at any moment."

Elvis nodded his head, his name was called and he quickly got his drink and food and sat back down. I'm guessing his rich ass ordered online on the way here.

"Okay, so what do you need me to do?" He asked unflinching. With surprise, I looked at him confused.

"You're not-" How is he supposed to react? I don't know, I was expecting a bit more than just being unfazed.

"Come on, my father just got put in jail for embezzlement and my mother is doing god knows what. Money isn't always clean, but mine is. So I'm not really surprised to hear that yours isn't, I always had a suspicion." He said. I remembered when we went to the drive in theater and he called me out. With a sigh, I sank back into my chair and took a sip of my drink.

I need a drink.

As in alcoholic.

"I need Acendro and Cecilia out of the house. It isn't safe for the two of them to be there alone when I'm not." I admitted, shaking my head. "They're like little kids who can't take care of themselves."

"What do you mean?" He asked leaning forward.

"They leave the door unlock, they're never aware of their surroundings, and it's too dangerous." I said shaking my head, itching for a cigarette. Elvis nodded his head and pulled out his phone.

"For how long?" He asked. I remembered Jacob telling me he'll be in contact with me, so I'm not sure just how many jobs he has in mind for me or if it's supposed to be a forever gig.

"I don't know, all I do know is that my house isn't safe. They know where I live and they know who I love. I'm practically having my hands tied because I was dumb enough to have a large amount of people I care about." I admitted, never feeling more stressed and I hate that I have to come to somebody about it. At least it was Elvis, he's strong enough to protect them and he's willing to do whatever it takes.

"What about you? And Giovanni?" Elvis asked looking up at me with his cold blue eyes that manage to love Acendro unconditionally.

"I'll be fine, I know how to protect myself and Gio," I sighed and shook my head, "I can protect him, but it's going to be hard because he's like a little kid as well. He's not strong like us, none of them are."

He knew I meant strong as in physically, as in if somebody were to fight them, they'd loose. For Acendro, it's largely because of his consistent malnutrition as he grew up. Cecilia is too oblivious to even realize she's in danger. And Gio? He's strong, but if it came to sacrificing him or me, I know he'd choose to save me and I can't have that.

This would all mean nothing if he and them don't survive.

Going over to Giovanni's house always felt like a relief for me. His parents welcomed me with open arms and a smile.

"Hey sweetie, how has your week been going?" His mom asked taking my jacket, I took off my shoes at the door and gave her a quick hug.

"It's been amazing, how about you?" I asked Shannon, his mom. She smiled at me, the same smile as Giovanni. She was half Korean and half Italian, meaning she has pale skin, the same hazel eyes as Gio, and wavy black hair. It was until his father, Ron, walked inside the room where you see the similar facial structure, hair, and height.

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