Chapter 14

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Cecilia shook her head and began to pace the room as I fed Giovanni, his body still shaky. With a sigh, I wrapped my free arm around Gio and fed him with my other hand. His hand was pressed against my thigh as his head was leaning against my shoulder.

"My head hurts." Gio whined. Elvis took action and got the Advil and some water. I gave the food to Elvis and let Gio rest on my shoulder. Acendro didn't look as shocked as Cecilia. Did Elvis tell him?

"Drink this." I said giving him the pill. He put the pill in his hand and went to grab the cup. It was only a few seconds before he almost spilled it on the expensive carpet. I took the cup and gently put it to his lips.

I can't imagine how scared he must be.

"Sleep, Ill be right here when you wake up." I said playing his hair. Ryan got up so Gio can spread out and rest his head on my lap.

"So what's your plan now?" Cecilia asked sitting down next to Ryan on the other couch. He held her hand as she stressed out.

"Well I'm going to get Jacobs help to wipe out the Dragons, they're becoming too much of a threat and wouldn't appreciate us killing a good chunk of their gang. They're gonna come after me and in turn Jacob and his syndicate." I answered watching as she leaned against Ryan.

"Why? Why wouldn't you tell us? Me? I'm your sister." She asked referring to when I started.

"I didn't want you to see me any different. I wanted you to see me as the same go lucky roger, not some killer."

"But you are a killer!" Cecilia exclaimed.

"I'm not like everyone else! I'm not doing this shit because I want to! Fuck, I'm trying to protect all you guys in this cruel world we live in! Do you really fucking think I want to do this?! Stop being so ignorant." I yelled watching as she sank in her seat, Ryan knowing better than to speak up. "He threatened you guys and you and acendro are too defenseless to be left alone."

"No we're-" Acendro started to say.

"Yes you guys are. As much knowledge that you gained from being homeless, all you knew how to do was run. Now that you have a home, you've turned a blind eyes. You do shit like leave the door unlocked and don't pay attention to your surroundings. Remember Costco?" Elvis defended me. I gave him an appreciative nod.

"So that's why you wanted us to come here? Not because-" Cecilia shook her head and looked down.

"Yeah. Imagine if all three of you had been in that house." I said shaking my head, not wanting to even think of something like that. "So yeah, step by step. The plan right now is to just take care of the Dragons and take care of Giovanni. If you haven't noticed, he's still traumatized, as he should be."

"Where were you?" Cecilia asked, it sounded as if she was accusing me. "When the house was being attacked."

"I was out doing business. Gio knew what it meant being with me, I already told him. So don't you dare give me that look." I said. "And quit acting as if I'm some different person. You didn't seem to have a problem when I took care of the men who did what they did to you. Same shit Cecilia."

She gasped and was about to throw a knife she probably stole from me, but realized the situation.

She really is a kid sometimes.

Looking over at Acendro, he was holding on Elvis. "Elvis told me a hint of the truth, but I wasn't expecting this to happen."

I nodded my head and kissed Giovanni's forehead.

"Im going to go make food." Cecilia said looking over at Elvis. "Want me to teach you another recipe?"

Elvis nodded his head and followed Ryan and Cecilia into the kitchen. Acendro looked over at me with a smile and handed me the remote.

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